Part 1: The Wall

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There was nothing more calming than sitting on the wall watching the ocean.

The wind was blowing just enough to make Aeron feel like the girl who frequented old pictures found in her mother's room. She secretly loved the blonde beauty more than the mom who barely talked to her and cared more about her older sister, Jenna. Looking out at the water, its color mimicking the sky's like a mirror. Aeron pushed away her mother and instead thought about how slow time seemed to pass while watching the birds fly overhead.

Hearing familiar ringtone music from her phone pulled Aeron out of her daydream.

When she answered the phone she heard her father's chopped voice in her ear, "Honey, are you coming home soon? The party starts in about ten and we need you here. Don't be late." and he hung up without another word.

Aeron tried to regain the calm she had been bathing in before, but she could not tame the rigidness in her body after being reminded of the seasonal party her mother hosted.

Aeron hated mingling, it was boring, hurt her legs, and made her want to chop her ears off because of all the useless confabulation shoved into her brain through her them.

She pushed herself to a standing position and in doing so tripped on her own feet and fell forward onto a sand dune. She made sure nothing was broken and the only thing wrong with her was the clothes her mother had picked out were ruined.

Aeron climbed back up the rocks and gathered up her hat, sunglasses, and shoes and trudged back home still staring at the phone. Her father usually wanted to talk to Aeron, but guessed he had given up since she never responded.

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