invisible : chapter thirty-nine

Start from the beginning

My phone made a noise and a text came down from Luke so I clicked it.

From: Luke💞
Watch a thing on TV tomorrow night yeah? I'll be on it and you should watch it. Char knows the show

You: Okay then I will, but you're making me nervous Luke

Luke: no need to be baby, I miss you already xx

You: I miss you too xx


The next day, the show Luke told us to watch was on. Char connected it to the TV so mum could watch it with us. I sat on the sofa in between mum and Char, Malum on my lap, he already seemed to miss Luke. I was wearing his shirt and he kept sniffing it.

Char muddled with the TV and then the show was playing, it was Alan Carr's Chatty Man and he was saying who was on the show for the night, he mentioned the boys and Malum seemed to perk up in my lap, moving in to my hand a little.

They went through other guests before they got to the boys. Mum sipped her coffee next to me, "They look handsome."

"Hands off, mum." I said, "The others are taken, get your own toy boy." I told her making her shove me, and I laughed.

The boys all hugged Alan before they sat down and handed out drinks to the boys. They all had beer and we watched as they talked about how the tour was and their next album.

"So, you lovely boys in any relationships?" Alan asked, grinning at the boys. I saw them all smile before Alan said to raise their hand if they were taken.

And Luke fucking raised his damn hand.

"Who are the lucky ladies?" I saw Luke blush at the mention of a girl.

Ashton went first, "Her name is Bryana, she's practically the love of my life." The TV showed a photo of Ash and Bryana holding hands in the street then a photo of Bry modelling in some underwear.

Char choked on her Diet Coke beside me, "Ashton really did pull." She coughed.

"She's gorgeous." Alan said and Ashton agreed and then the camera went to Luke. "Luke, tell us who it is."

Luke blushed again, and ran his hand through his hair. "His name is Reece." He said slowly and a little quietly. "He's amazing."

"How did you both meet them?" Alan asked as the TV showed a picture of Luke and I and then a picture of me and Malum. I lifted the pug up. "We're on TV!" I yelled, shaking the puppy who barked and I blushed, holding him to my chest, I leant on my mum and she patted my leg.

"--in LA while writing the last album, and I just fell in love." Ashton said and the audience awed.

"Luke? How'd you meet Reece?" Alan asked.

Luke bit his lip, "We all met him and his sister because she won a meet and greet and he was her ride. I thought he was beautiful and I asked his sister over Twitter for his account and then I asked him for his number and we just bonded I guess. We were close friends before we came official."

"When did you come official?" Alan asked.

"I asked him to be my boyfriend at the last show of the tour back stage, in front of all our families." Luke said, going even more red and it contrasted against his pale skin and black shirt. "I think I found the one." The audience awed loudly.

"That's adorable, the both of you." Alan said before turning to Mikey and Cal. "Are you two single still?"

"Got no time for the ladies." Michael smirked, crossing his legs and wrapping an arm around Calum. The kiwi held his fist up for a fist bump and they did so, making people laugh. They'd probably bang when they got to their hotel.

After that, Luke was more bubbly and talkative during the interview and Alan asked what his precise sexuality is and Luke didn't have an answer, "I think I'm gay but I haven't been with another guy other than Reece and I guess it's just him."

"So the video of a stripper grinding on you wasn't fun? At all?" Alan asked and well, it was well known he was gay, "I would've loved that, your boyfriend seemed to as well."

Luke laughed, "Okay that's the only other guy who's made me feel like that but who doesn't love a stripper grinding on them? Besides Ashton's girlfriend called him up." Ashton laughed and put his arms behind Luke and Calum on the sofa.

After the boys had their interview they ended the show by singing Jet Black Heart.

"You're out." Char said, sipping her Coke. "Officially, on national TV."

"I know, fuck." I swore making mum hit my thigh. "Sorry." I mumbled. "I need to call him." I mumbled, standing up and going to the kitchen, Malum jumping from my lap. I dialled Luke's number as I sat down on the counter. It went to voicemail first so I mumbled a hi and call me back or I'm gonna punch you in the throat.

It took ten minutes before Luke called me back and Malum strolled in to the kitchen, looking up at me. "Hey baby." Luke said breathily. "I was on stage."

"You outed us on TV." I said, sighing. "I would've liked some warning."

"Sorry." Luke said, "I wanted it to be a surprise. You're not mad are you?"

"No, no, of course not." I said, smiling a little. "I love you."

"I love you too." Luke replied, before he giggled. "It's late, you should head to bed, you have work tomorrow."

"I do." I sighed, "I'm so happy, I can finally tweet cute little videos of you being stupid."

"Well thanks, but you were doing that before," Luke snorted and I smiled, "Seriously go to bed, take Malum and cuddle him."

"Malum?!" I heard someone yell on Luke's side of the phone. "What do you mean cuddle Malum?!" Michael yelled, "I'm half of Malum!"

"We know, Mikey," Luke said, "Reece I'll call you tomorrow, yeah baby boy? I love you."

"I love you, too, princess." Then we hung up.

I sat there for a moment, as Malum scratched at my foot to get my attention. I jumped down off the counter and picked up my puppy, before heading in to the living room. "I'm going bed." I told mum and Char. "I have work early tomorrow."

"Sleep well." Mum smiled.

I left the living room and went to my room, undressing before brushing my teeth and Malum followed me at my heels constantly. I got in to bed and Malum sat patiently before I lifted him up on the bed where he got under the covers by my feet. I saw my phone light up and unlocked my phone seeing luke tweeted.

"@Luke5SOS: I guess I'm allowed to tweet photos of my baby boy now 4 images attached."

I clicked on the photos seeing one of us cuddling, my arms around Luke, and my face in his neck, one photo at the Party before we went to LA where we had our tongues out, another of our lips attached, my hand on Luke's cheek and Luke's on my neck. The last one was of us with our shirts off as we lay in my bed, Malum laying on his back in between us, his ears squiwiff.

I felt Malum wriggle under the covers, coming up to my face and I showed the puppy the photo, "Baby, you're famous." I cooed as the puppy licked the phone screen. "Uncle Luke likes to spoil you doesn't he?" I let the dog cuddle in to my side.

I retweeted Luke's tweet, liking it too before I replied. "@itsreeceglol: I love you Hemmings xx"

"@Luke5SOS: Grean, I told you to get to bed you little shit it's late and you have work, but ilyt baby"

I smiled to myself and put my phone on charge before I lay down and sighed, my hand on Malum before I broke out in to a grin, laughing softly.

What the fuck was my life?



i didn't know how to end this lmao

Invisible ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now