eleven (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

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"cute, mikey!" calum said, grabbing his hand and pulling him up,"let's go show the big guys!"

"hold up," michael said,"what about out clothes?"

"what do you mean?"

"we should wear the appropriate clothes, shouldn't we?"

louis squealed,"yes! this is gonna be so much fun! i've been secretly planning an outfit for you two."

"okay," calum said,"let's do it."

"niall," louis asked,"do you have those overalls that i love?"

"i never go anywhere without them," niall said,"let me grab them."

"okay," louis began to think out loud,"mikey, you like sweaters, so i'm gonna have you wear this with a skirt."

michael gulped, but took the clothes anyway. he sheepishly went to the corner of the room to get changed.

"we don't need shoes," niall said,"we're just gonna stay inside all day."

"right," calum said, slipping off his shoes and leaving him in socks.

"okay, calum put the overalls on over this," louis said, handing him a white crop top,"it'll look good with your skin tone."

"thanks, lou," calum smiled, liking that he was open about himself.

"okay," louis said,"now for myself."

the four boys got dressed without any hassle, and once they were all done they took a moment to admire each other.

"we're hot," niall said.

"i agree," mikey said, tugging on his skirt a little.

"you guys ready?" calum asked, eager to show off his new look.

"yeah," louis said,"let's go!"

the lads took off down the stairs, giggling the whole way down. they were just little kids.

"hey, mikey-" luke said,"woah, you look great."

"thanks, lukey," mikey said, a blush appearing on his cheeks faster than ever. it was weird, but he liked it.

"calum, is that makeup?" ashton asked, standing up and walking over to him, the game now forgotten.

"y-yeah," calum said, his confident almost vanishing completely.

ashton took a look over the boy in front of him, and he shrugged,"you look hot."

calum shot his eyebrows up,"really? you think so?"

"yeah," ashton said,"i really do."

calum tackled ashton into a hug, and they both ended up on the couch, still hugging.

"goals," niall said, discreetly pulling out his phone and taking a picture for his snapchat story.

"awe," louis cooed, and then turned to the couches where harry was looking expectantly at him.

it's nothing, he thought.

"um, hi," louis said, sitting down next to him.

"you did that?" harry asked, pointing to michael and calum. louis shook his head, and said,"just calum, niall did mikey."

harry smiled fondly at him, and pulled the smaller boy closer to him.

louis didn't protest, because it was nice, but he didn't necessarily encourage it. he just sat there.

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