six :p

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(i didn't paint this it was whoever @ coconutwishes is)

harry stared at the painting, and he could feel his cheeks heat up. louis had painted him.

and it was really, really good.

"louis," harry said, dumbfounded.

"i-i know, it's bad," louis began to stammer,"i am sorry, it's weird. uh- sorry."

"what do you mean? i love it," harry said,"princess, this is amazing."

louis just gave harry a questioning look,"you like it?"

"i said that, didn't i?"

louis blushed, and harry came over to him and wrapped him in a hug, kissing his forehead sweetly.

louis hugged him back, a warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach.


zayn, harry, ashton, niall, and louis all sat down at the lunch table. louis and harry snuck little glances to each other, and tried to carry on conversation with the other lads.

"louis, what's up?" niall asked,"you're very quiet."

louis looked up to his best friend, and said,"i have a secret."

"if it's that you like harold over there, then it's no secret," niall said, giggling,"it's sickeningly cute, you two together."

"is it that obvious?" louis whispered.

"well, zayn and i see it. i'm not so sure about the others," niall shrugged, taking a bit out of his pear.

"oh, God," louis said, hitting his face on the table,"that's embarrassing."

"what about you and zayn?" louis asked after a moment of silence,"i see the looks he gives you."

"he gives me looks?" niall asked, his cheeks heating up. you can really tell, too because his face is so pale.

"yeah," louis began to list,"fond looks, enchanted looks, horny looks."

"stop that!" niall said, slapping his arm.

louis felt a tug on his arm, he looked to his left and harry stood there,"are you done with your plate? i can go put it away for you."

"um, yeah," louis said,"thanks."

harry winked,"anytime."

the boy was gonna be the death of louis.


the rest of the day has gone by pretty fast, and now it was 7:00, and louis was knackered. he was planning on taking a shower and spending the rest of the night in the cabin.

with harry, preferably.

he slipped off his shoes at the door, and shuffled up the stairs to get into the shower.

he walked into the bathroom, which had three showers in it, a toilet, and two sinks, and turned on the shower furthest away from the door.

he then grabbed his toiletry bag and pulled out his shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, shaving cream, and razor.

he put those in the shower, and then began to strip. he placed the dirty clothes on the counter, and made sure he had a towel.

then he put a bag over his cast, because it could NOT get wet under any circumstances.

he stepped into the shower, and sighed in content as soon as the warm water hit his back. he began to hum a tune as he washed his hair with coconut vanilla shampoo and conditioner.


now came the tricky part. louis never liked body hair, so shaving was crucial to him. so he slathered up his leg with shaving cream, and carefully ran the razor over it.

once he was satisfied, he repeated the process on his other leg.

"finally," louis mumbled, and then turned off the faucet. he opened up the curtain, and grabbed the towel.

after drying himself off, he took the bag off of his arm and then it hit him:

he forgot clothes.

louis face palmed, how could he be so stupid? he was positive that the boys were back now.

after a few minutes of contemplating, he decided to just man up and march out there (with the towel on, of course) and get his pajamas.

he wrapped the towel around his chest, much like a girl would, and opened the door to the bedroom. he shivered, the air in the bunk room being much colder than in the steamy bathroom.

he tip-toed out, going unnoticed until he heard,"lou?"

he turned around, and sighed when it was just calum.

"i forgot my clothes," he said, blushing madly.

"well, if i were you, i'd hurry up because harry was just downstairs to get a water bottle and-"

"i'm back- woah," harry stumbled in.

louis froze, and so did everything else.

"uh," harry said,"you-"

"yes, harry, he has a towel on! stop gawking!" calum said, throwing a pillow at the lad,"don't be a dick!"

the pillow smacks him in the face, making him make a little 'oof' sound, and then dropping his water bottle.

once he comprehended what was going on, harry immediately turned around, sputtering out apologies.

louis just silently picks up his clothes, and goes back into the bathroom. he slips on some black leggings, and a white tee that goes to his thigh.

he walks back out, and sees harry still standing in the same spot he was in when he first walked into the room.

"you alright, harry?"

he looked up,"hm? oh! yeah, i'm fine."

"good," louis said, then asked,"you wanna watch a movie downstairs?"

"sure," he said,"let's go."

the two lads walked down there, and put on Pitch Perfect. one way or another, louis ended up wrapped up in harry's embrace as they slept soundly.

ashton may or may not have taken photos.

day two, complete.

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