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secondary school came:                                        

year 7.

my tie was too tight


my skirt too long


my blazer felt undeniably awkward.

i walked to school by myself,

my backpack was empty

and my chest heavy.

i walked through the gates

and immersed myself in the crowds.

thinking of you.

we had to line up in our forms

and i saw you there.

your hair was not spiked up anymore

and flopped back naturally,

your eyes were more green than they were blue now,

you looked taller;


you talked with the people around you

and drew their attention.

girls adored you

and you did not mind because you and stacey had broken up over the holiday,

but you did not tell me

and i had to find out by myself 

as people whispered about you in class.


when i came across you in my history class at the back of the room,

next to the only empty chair available,

it was awkward.

you opened the conversation,

as i did not have the guts to


you asked me what i did over the holiday

and i told you that,

 "i didn't do anything,"

because i really hadn't,

i was lonely and sad

because you had left me all alone.

i told you this because you were beginning to annoy me with your questions,

then you told me,

"you'll never be alone again, i promise."

you left me to eat lunch with your other friends.

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