2// Loving His Beast

Start from the beginning

"I guess she's in big sister mode," Nicole said.

The girls love it when I go into big sister mode because apparently, I sound like mom.

Once the elevator reached the first floor, we made it to the hotel dining room, where I saw Morgan sitting on Nick's lap.

I was going to sneak up on hear until Paige and Trinity spotted me and yelled my name like madmen.

I waved at them as Morgan got up and run, but I was faster and tackled her to the ground.

I sat on her.

"Ooh, you in trouble, Morgan!" Nicole yelled, sitting on John's lap.

"Ayy! get off my girlfriend, " Nick yelled getting up, but Leati stops him and whispered something in his ear.

"Why didn't you come back to our room last night, young lady?" I asked with my hand crossed over my chest, making my boobs pop up a little more.

"With my boyfriend, because my best friend ditched me because I commented on her stupid little crush," she explained, pushing me off.

I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, that's not true. I just got bored and didn't want to be there anymore, but okay, " I said, getting off the floor.

"Wait a damn minute, Danica Tinley Garcia Colace has a crush, and she did not tell her sisters, " Nicole said with a hurt expression on her face while Brie just grasped.

"It's not even a crush anymore. It's more like an obsession with the guy, and it's been going on for years," Morgan said. I slapped her on the back of her head and glared at her.

"Keep running your mouth, and I promise you I will punch you in the throat, " I said to Morgan, taking a seat next to Joshua.

"Is she always this violent?" Joshua asked.

"Yes!" My sisters, John, Bryan and Morgan answered.

I rolled my eyes.

"Not true. Don't listen to them, " I told Joshua.

"But I watched some of her old matches, and she reminds me of Jon and a little bit of Brock," Leati said.

Morgan laughed.

"What's funny Morgan? " John asked.

"Nothing; Just remembering the time in high school when Danica beat up some girl for no reason," Morgan answered.

"Yeah, I felt horrible for that girl, " Brie said.

"First of all, I did beat her up for a reason which is when I see her face, it brings out the bitch in me, and when I feel that way, I can't hide it, and also, she slept with my boyfriend at that time." I said.

"Oh really, what about that time when you were arguing with Cassie, and then you just beat her up," Nicole said.

"Okay, by now, people should know that when you are arguing with me, don't get in my face or get up. She got up and I blacked the fuck out." I said.

"Or the time you went crazy on those girls that wouldn't leave Nicole and me alone," Brie said.

"All I'm going to say is that when it comes to my family, I will go to fucking war, and I have no tolerance for airheads." I said.

"Remember what you used to say before you leave the house, " Nicole said.

"Please help me not to have to kill somebody today and watch out, bitches! Here I come," I said, laughing.

"Wow, it sounds like you fought a lot, and now I can see why you became a wrestler, " Jon said.

"I'm usually pretty Zen until someone fucks with me, and the main reason I got into wrestling was that my wrestling coach in high school and got tired of seeing me in trouble for fighting, so he signed me up, and the rest was history," I said, smiling.

"Anyways, you guys remember that tonight we're staying at Danica's house for a couple of days," Nicole said.

"Yeah come and just take over my house," I said sarcastically.

"Sarcasm is never good," Leati said.

"You guys will love my house; I think it beat John's place, " I said.

"Yeah, it does, " Brie said, with John agreeing with her.

"It's just her, and it's way too big for one person," Nicole said.

"It's just perfect for me, and see you guys later," I said.

I got up and left the dining room but bumping into a wall which turned out to be a person.

"I'm sorry," I said while the person picked me up and placed me on my feet before leaving without saying anything to me.

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