Chapter 3

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Faith pounded into the dirt, flying across the plains after her mother. Her thoughts weren't clear, nor where her eyes, as she galloped over the landscape in hot pursuit.

Her mother's hoove's echoed in her ears, and she quickly turned at the sound of her mother leaving her.

Sliding too a stop, she listened, as her mother's hoofbeats disappeared into a far away place, that not even the great stallion could reach.


Months passed, and Faith gradally got bigger, stronger, more toned. She actually looked like a horse whenever she turned two. 

Her father watched his daughter proudly as she grew into a fine mare, her only fault being her eyesite. 

Faith knew her father was proud of her, and she really wished her mother was here to watch her grow too. She thought of that sad day she had galloped far away from their little valley, and had to be found by her grandmother, who didn't like her, but was sent on orders from her father.

Faith's eyes twitched at the thoughts, and she shook them away, hoping to escape that life, and peel away into a totally knew one of a, somewhat, normal horse.

With a scoff, she trotted in her father''s direction, and he neighed to confirm where he was.

She dropped her head beside his to graze halheartedly, tearing away at the grass, her mind blank.

He poked her with his nose, and lightly tapped her with his hoof.

Faith narrowed her eyes, and her head shot up. Neighing in anger, she whipped around, and galloped away, wanting to be alone.

She ignored his neigh of protest, and scuffled down the hill, sending rocks tumbling down. Once safely down, she trotted to a little safe haven of her's, which was directly underneath a large fanning apple tree. 

Bouncing, Faith put her front legs on the bark, and reached for a juicy red apple. She plucked it out, and dropped back on all fours, and began nibbling at the skin. Completely ingrossed in the small apple, she didn't realize the appraoching hooves.

Shooting up her head, Faith stared in the general direction of the sound of hooves, listening, and sniffing, her nostrils flaring, and ears pinned.

Scared, and frustrated, Faith backed away from the sound of the hooves, as the contuined approaching her, not giving a warning or anything. They must not be from her herd, or they would know to snort or something to warn her it was someone she knew.

A small shuffled made her crowhop sideways, and the hoove's suddenly stopped.

Instinct told her to run, common sense told her to run, everything told her to run. But for some odd unknown reason, little Faith didn't run. Instead she put her head low, and stared down the approaching figure.

Out of the thicket of trees a blood bay stallion three year old appraoched her, his hooves dragging gracefully along the graveled surface. He let out a gentle neigh, and appraoched quietly to the side, staring curiously at her clouded eyes.

Faith threw her head, and backed away more, her hooves digging deeper into the soft turf of the lower valley, her ears pinned as much as they could go down on her neck.

The stallion curiously cocked his head, and stepped quietly toward her, letting out a defeated neigh, showing no threat to the fearful filly.

Faith, slightly less scared now, lowered her head, and let out a gentle sigh, and flicked her ears forward.

The stallion, relieved, matched her sigh, and approached her, poking his nose along her stomach gentle, before finally meeting her clouded eyes.

Faith could feel him staring at her eyes, and embarassed, puleld her head in the other direction, and began nibbling at a fallen apple.

Annoyed at himself, the stallion walked along the other side of her, and nudged her head gentle with his. She looked up at him, her cloudy eyes filled with fear.

Sighing, the stallion turned around, and with a goodbye whinny, took off into the hills, far away from the now trembling Faith.


A little romance for our fine blind friend :3

fan, comment, vote, etc. thankies :3

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