Chapter 1

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Faith wobbled to her skinny legs, and slowly made her way to her mother, poking her nose in the air the entire time.

Snow neighed sympathetically to her daughter, and when she got close enough, tugged Faith's mane towards her, so that Faith could nurse.

Sprawling out, Faith reached her neck up to nurse blissfully, forgetting she couldn't see, barely walk, or do anything for that matter. Once done, she fell asleep, snoring gently.

Snow sighed, and picked her back legs up over her daughter, and walked a little away to a new clover patch, watching her daughter with sad, expressionless eyes.

It was almost time to wean poor little Faith, and Snow was reluctant to do so. She knew that Faith was, disabled if you will, and wouldn't be able to play with the other yearlings, and wouldn't be able to follow the herd when the time was nessecary.

She shared her thoughts with Hawk, the lead stallion, who was a coal black escaped stallion from a nearby barn.

He simply told her to give Faith time, after all, she was his daughter. She could ovecome anything. With sigh, Snow trudged back to her sleeping foal, a heavy heart dragging her down.

Faith stirred, and Snow watched carefully as she raised her head, and blinked open her pale eyes with effot. She whinnied her weak little neigh, and struggled to her feet.

Snow stared at her daughter, glad Faith couldn't read her pained expression.

Faith dragged her tiny hooves over, and butted her head into her mother's chest, keeping it there, before turning, and poking her way over to a good patch of grass, and sprawling in it, her four legs pointing differet directions.

Faith stared up at the sun. Her eyes burned, but she didn't feel any pain. She was blind. How could she feel pain? Laying her head lightly back on the soft grass, Faith let the sun soak up all her worries, as she breathed a heavy sigh, and relaxed herself.

A sharp hoof stomped near her, followed by another. A gruff neigh made her lift her head.

The neigh confirmed it was her father, and Faith shuffled away, letting her four legs only point in two directions.

Her father shoved her roughly with his nose, and poked her soft stomach with his nose, prodding her to get up.

Furrowing her brows, Faith struggled to her feet, and shakely walked to her father.

He neighed, motioing her to follow.

With great effort Faith followed at a fast walked toward her dad as he walked.

Suddenly, his beat quickened, Faith could tell by her sense of sound.

Struggling to keep up, Faith ended up tumbling head over heels into the grass.

The herd horses gave her a snicker, before going back to snuffling at the grass.

With a shove of determination, Faith jumped to her feet, balanced herself, then took off at a shakey canter at her dad's hoofbeat sounds.

With a whinny of proudness, her father contuined on, his rhthmic trot echoeing in Faith's ears as she followed him around the valley at a steady lope.

When he apurtedly stopped in front of her, Faith slid to a stop at the stop of his hoove beats.

He trotted away, and neighed, telling her to stay.

Exhasuted, Faith collapsed, and fell into a tired sleep, not even bothering to eat.


So what do you think? Also comment on what you think he's trying to do :) ideas for next chapters are always helpful, and also fan me :3

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