You're Doing A Collab With Him

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You have your own YouTube channel. You're basically a gay guy doing gay things on video and uploading things on YouTube.

"Hey!" Issa greets you as he opens the door to his house in California. "Y/N is your name, right?"

"Hi Issa! Yeah," you reply smiling. He takes a step sideways and holds the door open to let you walk in.

"Bitch, better not ruin my stuff," Issa jokes and I laugh.

"Who is it?" You hear a voice come from upstairs and you see Tony come into view at the top of the staircase.

"It's Y/N on YouTube. We're doing a collab," Issa responds to his father and you wave at him. "So, we're doing a QnA, right?"

"Yep," You say, and as usual, you pop the 'p'. "On your channel. We're doing a challenge on my channel."

"Yes. Let's get this bitch starting!" Issa shouts, doing a little dance while he leads you through the house. You laugh at his horrible dance moves, but secretly love it inside. You carry your camera through the house and up the stairs, to a room with another camera in it. "We're doing mine first."

"Sure," you agree. You see the black spinning chair that Issa uses to sit on most of his videos, seeing how torn the leather is where you sit.

"Do you want a chair?" Issa asks you and you nod and he leaves the room to get one for you.

You stare at the almost blank room, seeing every detail that you see in videos. You see Gertrude and Patricia laid out on the ground next to the chair, the onesies of Gertrude and Patricia next to the camera. You remember the "Roll Call Song" and how he wore these onesies playing the roles of the stick toys himself. You see Delilah in the corner of the room, but you never see her in the videos anymore. Turbo walks into the room, and looks up at you. He growls and you step back, startled. even though he hates Issa, he's a pretty calm dog in his snapchats and videos.

"Turbo!" Issa shouts at his dog, and walks in with a chair, the dinning chair from his dinning room. "Is Turbo scaring you? He hates everyone. Sorry 'bout that."

"It's okay," you smile as Issa sets down the chair next to the black chair. Issa picks up his dog and puts him outside the room, closing the door.

"Ready to be a resident of Badbitchica?" Issa questions as I sit in the chair he lent me. You nod, Issa adjusting the camera so it faces both of you. He starts the camera and you smile as he sits down in his black spinning chair.

"Welcome back to!" He hits his long sleeve against the air and smiles. "It's currently Issa Tuesday and we have a guest. His name is Y/N and he has his own YouTube channel, but really, I don't give a fuck, because we're here to have some ass- fun!" Issa corrects himself and you laugh, already dying. Shit, why does he always do this to you?"

"I'm Y/N. You can check me out on Twitter @Y/NisSuper or on insta, same thing. I also have a snapchat, but it's personal, so I ain't giving that shit to you," You sass the camera and Issa raises his eyebrow next to you.

"Hey, Mr. Y/N, no sassing on my channel. That's my job, bitch!"

"Okay, sure," you sass him back, rolled your eyes.

"So much for a QnA, we're gonna fight," Issa frowns and you smile. He shrugs and smiles back. "As I just said, we're doing a QnA. But, since he pissed me off, I think we might fight."

"Let's go."

You get out of your seat and push him and he falls back, something you've seen many times. "Ow," Issa says and laughs, you do the same.

You help him up and you both get adjusted again.

"Okay, so I asked you to ask me a question with the hashtag #askissa on Twitter (yes, I said Y/N will be in the video), and you bad bitches got that hashtag. worldwide trends," Issa says, pulling out his phone and showing the camera the worldwide trend. You look on Twitter and find the worldwide trends. He's telling the truth.

"Woah, I didn't think you were that popular," You gape and Issa playfully pushes you to the other side of the chair.

"Ow," you mimic.

"The first question is from @WhoisTwaimz: 'Kiss him! #askissa.'"

Issa looks at you with a disgusted face. Then he smiles, raising his eyebrow. You both get close so you can feel each other's breaths, and his smells oddly of chipotle. Then, you slap him and you both laugh.

"Next question is from @LAAcle10: 'Whip cream battle? #askissa.'"

Issa smirks at you and you smile. Issa stand up, and takes the camera, leading you downstairs to his kitchen.

"I have so much whip cream, Y/N. You have no idea."

Issa places the camera on the counter, putting a light next to it. You walk over to the fridge and open it, seeing five whip cream bottles, one almost halfway used.

You take a bottle out and toss it to Issa, smiling. You take out another bottle just for yourself and close the fridge, and Tony shows up again.

"Issa, what are you doing?" Tony asks, his accent making you want to laugh.

"We're about to... cream each other," Issa jokes, winking, and starts laughing. "That's a knee slapper!"

You begin to laugh at his jokes. "That was so bad," You comment and Tony sighs.

"Okay, well, you two try not to make a big mess. Issa, don't make me clean it up."

Tony walks away and Issa smiles at you. You both open the bottles and shake them, getting ready to cream each other.

"3... 2... 1."

And you begin. At first, you are the one at his mercy, but quickly pick up the pace, and he slips as he tries to run after you. You spray more and more while he's on the ground, and then he finally stand up, doing the same to you.

By the time you're both done, the whole kitchen is a mess. Issa and you are laughing so hard as Tony and his wife come into view, mouths wide at the mess we've made.

"Well, my fellow bad bitches," He brings his hands around and back towards him, forming two llamas with his hands. "Stay bad." You both wink at the same time and he turns off the camera.

"We're doing another collab in the future," Issa nods, sure of it.

"Yeah," you agree, looking at the mess you've made.


tell me what you think ;)

-Angel ❤️✌🏼️

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