Chapter 3: Saber Guard

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In The Star Destroyer

"Agent Kallus." Imperial Officer said

"What is it?" Agent Kallus said

"The Rebels are here, one of the rebels ship is trying to land in the docking bay." Imperial Officer said

"Good" Agent Kallus said

"Should we activate the tracker beam?" Imperial officer said
"No, I have someone on it already." Agent Kallus smiled

Meanwhile on the Phantom docking in the Star Destroyer

"Alright, let's go get that cargo." Sabine said while putting on her helmet

"Ok, Cayde and Ezra stay with the Phantom, while Sabine and me look for the cargo." Kylo said
"Got it" Cayde and Ezra both said
"Let's go Kylo." Sabine told Kylo

Before Sabine and Kylo were going to find the cargo, Ezra called Kylo
"Kylo" Ezra said
" What is it Ezra?" Kylo asked Ezra
"Please keep her safe." Ezra worried
"I promise" Kylo said while putting on his clone helmet

"Come on Kylo." Sabine told Kylo
Somewhere in the Star Destroyer

"So where is this cargo?" Kylo asked Sabine
"We are almost there, but it's guarded by bucket heads." Sabine told Kylo
"How hard could it be."  Kylo said while two stormtroopers saw them
Hey,You two stop right there!" Stormtroopers yelled

"You had to ask." Sabine said to Kylo
"I got this" Kylo said while shooting the to troopers down

When Kylo shot the two troopers. Kylo and Sabine saw the door with the cargo
"Here it is." Sabine pointed at the door
"Open it" Kylo said
"Let's get the cargo out of here." Sabine said
Meanwhile in the docking bay

"What is taking them so long." Ezra said
"Look, there they are." Cayde told Ezra
"Ezra get the Phantom ready." Kylo told Ezra
"On it" Ezra said

Sabine moved the cargo into the Phantom, while Kylo and Cayde on lookout for any bucket heads. Until Cayde and Ezra felt cold
"Kylo I feel cold." Cayde said
"Yeah same here" Ezra said
"Huh" Kylo said
Kylo saw a red finger, the red figure force push Kylo to a wall next to the Phantom, knocking out kylo.
"Kylo!" Sabine, Ezra, Cayde yelled
"Their is no escape rebels." Red figure said
"Who are you!" Cayde yelled
The red figure was wearing imperial red guard armor.

"I'm a Sith Saber Guard." Saber guard said while out two lightsabers

"Sith Saber Guard?" Sabine worried
"I was train by Darth Vader himself." Saber guard said
"What do you want" Ezra asked
"Him" Saber guard pointed to Kylo
"You have go threw me first." Cayde said while force grab one of Kylo's lightsabers
"A brother" Saber guard said while activated his lighsabers
"Cayde, I'll help you fight him." Ezra told Cayde
"Ezra" Sabine took off her helmet
"I have to help Cayde." Ezra told Sabine

"I don't want to lose you." Sabine said while tears falling down from her eyes
"Sabine, I promise I'll come back." Ezra told Sabine while giving her a hug
Then Ezra kiss Sabine on the lips. Then Sabine stop crying and Ezra let's go.
"Becareful" Sabine told Ezra
"Sabine watch Kylo till he wakes up." Cayde told Sabine
"Alright" Sabine said

"HAHAHAHA, you brought a friend to die with you." Saber guard said
"Ready Ezra?" Cayde said
"This is going to be fun or bad" Ezra said
Cayde activated one of Kylo's lighsabers and Ezra activated his lightsabers.

Meanwhile on the ghost
"They should have been back by now" Kanan worried
"I know, I'm worried too." Hera said
"So we just wait or what." Zeb yelled
Chopper angry beep
"Hera, try to contact them." Kanan told Hera
"Spectre 5 or 6 come in, Spectre 7 or 8 come in does anyone copy." Hera worried
Then Hera heard a responds
"This is Spectre 5 to Ghost." Sabine worried voice
"Sabine, what is going on?" Kanan asked
"Sabine, are y'all alright?" Hera said
"Kylo is knock out, Cayde and Ezra are fighting some Saber guard." Sabine said

"You need to hurry and get out there." Kanan said

Back on the star Destroyer
Cayde and Ezra were still fighting the Saber Guard. Sabine was still watching Kylo in the Phantom, Kylo started to wake up.
"Sabine what happen" Kylo rubbing his head
"You were force push to a wall by a Saber Guard. So I put you in the Phantom." Sabine told Kylo

"Where is Cayde and Ezra?" Kylo asked Sabine
"They are holding of the Saber Guard" Sabine told Kylo

"What! I'm going to help them."Kylo told Sabine
"You can't your still hurt Kylo." Sabine told Kylo
"Cayde is my brother and I know Ezra is your boyfriend." Kylo said
"Ok Kylo." Sabine said

"Sabine get the Phantom ready to go, so we can get outta here." Kylo said while putting on his clone helmet

"Alright" Sabine said

Then Kylo went outside of the Phantom in the docking bay and see Cayde and Ezra still fighting the Saber Guard. It was block after block, then Saber Guard force push Cayde and Ezra to a wall. Cayde and Ezra trying to get back up.

"HAHAHA, now you will die starting with Ezra Bridger." Saber Guard about strike Ezra down
"No!" Kylo yelled and force push Saber guard to a transport knocking him out
"Kylo" Cayde said
"Come on let's get back to phantom and go home." Kylo said
"Come on Ezra." Cayde said
Kylo,Cayde and Ezra ran back to the phantom, while couple stormtroopers shooting at them. They got back to phantom and took of back to ghost.

"Hera get us outta here." Kylo said over coms

They jump into hyperspace heading back to Lothal. Kylo, Cayde, Ezra and Sabine came down the ladder from the phantom with the cargo
"Are y'all alright." Hera asked
"We are fine Hera" Kylo told Hera
"I owe Kylo one,because the Saber Guard almost killed me." Ezra said
"Thank you Kylo." Kanan said
"No problem." Kylo said while taking off his helmet

"Now let's see what is in the cargo." Kanan said
"Ezra open it." Hera told Ezra
"Alright." Ezra said while he open it

"Let's see what inside." Kanan said
They open the cargo, they saw food and water.
"Wow, we can take this to the fleet." Sabine said
"I know" Hera said
But Kylo saw a silver disc and pick it up
"What is it Kylo?" Cayde asked
"I don't know, let's see what is in this disc." Kylo said
"Let me see it." Sabine said
"Ok." Kylo give the disc to Sabine
Then Sabine put the disc into the holotable and saw information.
"What is it?" Ezra asked
"It's every old republic base found by the Empire."Sabine said
"But there only a few bases found by the Empire." Kanan said

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Next chapter a new character I made is coming. But it's a old friend of Kylo and Cayde. May the force be with you. Kylo prime signing off.

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