She nodded with a grin.

"Let's go then."

We begin walked down the crowded hall with our bags. It didn't surprise me when whispers containing our names flooded through the crowds. I didn't care much either, they can think what they want.

As we emerge from the hall and into the main lobby, I notice Sean walking out of the double doors leading to outside.

"Hey, Sean!" I call after him.

He turned to face me but then quickly scowls and spins around. I stop in my tracks and Jade does the same.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Jade, I'm sorry. I'll call you later." (Wed exchanged numbers earlier.) I then left her side and jogged out of the double doors and caught up to Sean.

"Hey, man. What's up?" I ask.

"Can you not?"

I pause for a moment.

"What happened? What did I do?" I was so confused and he was my closest friend now, I didn't want to lose him.

He finally stopped and turned all the way to face me directly.

"You know exactly what you did!" He yelled. "This always happens! I think I have a good friend and they just use me!"

"Woah, woah, woah. I've never ever used you and I wouldn't want to. Where is this coming from?"

"You and your perfect and perfect rep. Your nothing but a spoiled little rich boy."

"Hey!" I nearly scream. "Tell me what I did now!"

"You stole Jade from me! We were hitting it off fine until Mr. Perfect just had to show up." He explains, hurt in his voice.

"Man, I didn't...I didn't mean to do that. We're just friends anyways. I'll back off a bit and I'll put in a good word for you, buddy. Don't worry, I got you."

"No, you don't got me." He mocked. "Don't bother. You can have her, she wouldn't want me compared to you anyways." He began to walk away but I grab his arm and spin him around.

"Don't ever compare me to anyone or anything else again! Do you understand?" I firmly demand in his face, my words slow and heavy.

He stares at me for a moment, his brow furrowed before yanking his arm from my grasp.

"Fuck you."

He walked away once again and I was on the verge of letting him go. That is before I got a rush of determination. I was going to prove my point and he was going to understand.

I run up to him and he sighs loudly but I cut him off.

"Look." I yank up my right sleeve revealing three straight scars.

He halts for a second as he observes them then finally connects the dots.

He glares up at me as tears fill his eyes.

"Oh, Kade." He was so disappointed. "Why would you show me this?" He shakes his head slowly.

"I know you don't like that stuff," I sniff, "but I was only trying to get your attention."

"Well you've got it. Of course you've got it so talk to me." He sympathizes.

Tears stream from my eyes as I apologize repeatedly for Jade.

"No, no, no. I'm over thank now, pal. Just shut up, alright?" I nod.

He hugs me and I flinch but It didn't take me long to adjust and hug him back. He truly was my best friend.

And to think...for the longest time, I was convinced my "teammates" we're my best friends.

Maybe I only thought that because we were football players. I'm such a hypocrite.

But I know better now.

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