His red head.


The blonde Slytherin sat beside her and Rose Weasley is grateful for the warmth his presence brought. However, she is so not going to tell him that. Clearing up her throat, she spoke.

"So Malfoy, do you have any idea how we could get out of here?"

"I don't have anything Rose, but we could work together on it." Said Scorpius.

"Well, making noises may be of little help because the bloody storm is very noisy and we can't use our wand because we still have the trace..." She continued to think of other ways.

"So, it's either a). We waste our limited energy and make noises or b). We wait until the storm ends"

"Exactly." Rose nodded

"Why don't we spend the remaining time getting to know each other then?" The blonde-haired Slytherin suggested.

Deep inside, Rose felt a twinge of happiness at this idea. Yet, she does not know why.


Maybe this whole predicament was not so bad after all.


Scorpius Malfoy swore that Rose Weasley, Rose freaking Weasley, smiled at him. Only for a split second though. That still counts as something, right?

Snapping out of his shock, he suggested they play 20 questions. Rose did not know how to play that game so Scorpius explained to her how to play it.

"Basically, we take turns in answering twenty questions." He said.


"Well, that's all there is to it, unless you want to suggest some special additions." Scorpius wiggled his eyebrows.

"You pig!" She laughed. Then, Rose proceeded to throw an old book at him, which he easily caught.

The simple game was actually taught by his muggle born roommate back at Hogwarts. It may be a simple game but it sure can entertain. Besides, Scorpius would like to know more about Rose.

"So, Weasley, I'll go first okay?"

"Fine, but just because you're the one who knows how to play this." Rose Weasley rolled her eyes.

"What is your favorite color?"


Rose Weasley's favorite color, as weird as it maybe, was green. She loves the color of grass, leaves and plants. Unfortunately, it clashes badly with her hair.


"How Slytherin" Malfoy snickered.

"Shut up" She mumbled.

"It's my turn now. How about you what is your favorite color?"

"Hm. Mines white."

"How bland."

Three rounds of 20 questions and some awkward silences the two fifteen year olds grew tired and hungry.

After an hour or so, Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy became (somewhat) friends.


Scorpius was worried and cold.

He did not like the fact that nobody still noticed the two 5th years were gone and the storm was not helping him nor her.

Scorpius Malfoy just wants to sleep, he supposed.


Rose Weasley was getting restless.

She cannot fathom why nobody noticed their absence. She was getting hungry too.When she'll get out of this hellhole, she cannot promise her brother Hugo to leave some of grandma Molly's cooking for him.

"You look pretty." Startled, Rose did a quick glance on her fellow prisoner.

Scorpius Malfoy must have gotten back into his senses and mumbled incoherent ramblings about how 'He looks shitty' and some yadda.

"Scor, just rest." And the boy beside her did.


Scorpius Malfoy woke up in a bed.

Surprisingly it was already nighttime and it was warm. He never knew when he dozed off but he did remembered that he leaned on Rose Weasley of all people, mind you. Now he needs to apologize for that.

"Oh goody, you're awake Scor. I was worried that I wouldn't see you for another day" His best friend, Albus, was beside him.

"Leave him alone Al, Scorpius needs to rest."

"Oh, hello Rosie, since when did you become so civil to Scorpius?"

A certain redhead rolled her eyes. Nevertheless, Albus sat down.

"Look, I'm sorry for sleeping on you like that and-"

"Shh, it's fine. Whatever."

"Here you go, you'll need it." Rose handed him a mug of hot chocolate.

"So what happened?" He said taking a sip from his mug.

"Uncle George happened. Apparently, he needed to take something out of the attic and found us."

"We are terribly sorry Scorpius, we did not expect the while thing to get out of hand! I-" cried grandmother Molly why she hugged him.

"It's okay" he smiled, cutting her off and reciprocating her hug.


Everyone and everything became fine in the end. The whole Weasley clan plus Scorpius celebrated Christmas and on the last few days of holiday, Scorpius' parents arrived and took him home. Everything went smoothly afterwards and even Rose and Scorpius' relationship improved. Sure there are still some bickering here and there, but in a friendly way.

Christmas was celebrated merrily and perfectly and thats all that mattered.



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