His lips traveled to mine and we began to kiss. He tugged my shirt up as he gripped my waist. His hands found the button to my jeans. We stopped kissing as he leaned up to pull my jeans down. He pulled his off and my eyes bulged at his size. He looked like a couple inches bigger than Iman but Iman was thinker.

He leaned over top of me and we started kissing again.

"I love you." He mumbled against my lips.

I moaned when I felt him start to enter me. I was going regret this after.

I laid there sweaty and tired. Stephon was laying right next to me. I got up and started to put my stuff back on.

"You good?" He asked.

"Mmhm." I nodded my head.

"What's wrong?" He sat up and looked at me.

"We shouldn't have done that." I said. "But it happened."

I'm dumb as fuck. I thought to myself. "I'm going home, but I'll text you later." I grabbed my coat and was about to walk out when I felt him grab my arm.

"Don't act all weird towards me Emp."

"I'm not, I'm fine. We good."

"Aight Empress." He looked at me for a minute to see if he believed what I was saying but I didn't even know if I believed what I said. "See you later." He kissed my cheek before letting me go.

I put my coat on as I walked down the steps. When I got home I walked pass Freedom room and she was on the phone.

"Freedom." I said walking into her room.


"I just did the dumbest thing."

"Zay I'm going call you back after I finish talking to my lil sister." She said then hung up. "What you do?"

I tell Freedom like everything so she knew about the whole thing that happened with Iman.

"I had sex with Stephon." I said.

"Empress." She said looking at me. "How did that happen?"

"Well he kissed me then I pulled away. Then he started kissing on my neck and it just happened. Freedom I feel so weird."

"You can't take it back now Empress. It's ok that you feel weird."

"He's my best friend, there isn't supposed to be any feelings." I said.

"It's ok, if you don't like him then you don't. You don't have to like him just because y'all had sex or cause he expressed his feelings to you." She told me.

"Thanks for listening but I need a shower."

"I'm going always listen."




"You done your homework?"

"Yea I'm done."

"Good." She wrapped her arms around me and placed a kiss on my lips.

"What you trying do?"

"You." She said innocently with a small giggle.

I been messing with this new girl for the past month. Her name is Cassie and she really cool but I'm not looking to get into nothing with her. Freedom and I been on the rocks the last few months and then I met Cassie. I wasn't expected it to last but we still talking.

Love with a PassionWhere stories live. Discover now