Could this day get any better?


The next day after school, I waited for Kyla by the canteen to go to detention together. I was really not looking forward to this. I've only been to detention once in 9th Grade for talking back to a teacher because she moved me to the back behind a huge football player which made it difficult for me to see. I tried to explain this to her but somehow, I landed myself in detention.

"Ava!" I heard Kyla's voice from behind me.

"Excited for detention?" I asked in a sarcastic tone and she nodded enthusiastically.

"I am psyched," she commented, making me grin.

At least, I had Kyla, Kian and Derrick with me.

And Seth.

No, I will try my best to ignore him and not let my feelings resurface. I didn't like him for long, I'm sure I'm already over him.

We were told to make our way to the art room for detention today. I had a vague idea of what they were going to make us do but I really hoped it was not that.

We entered the art room to see the art teacher, Ms. Shay, waiting for us. Ms. Shay really was like a typical art teacher with the head turban and faded pants and sling bag. I promise I am not exaggerating.

"Oh boy!" she exclaimed as Kyla and I entered the room. "That's a lot of helping hands today!"

"Helping hands?" Kyla asked me with a snort. "She does know we are forced into this right?"

I shrugged in response. I spotted Derrick and Kian standing by the side and made my way towards them followed by Kyla. Carla and Mason were next to them, as well. Brilliant.

I looked around to see a few familiar faces. There was another boy from our Year. Tyde? Troy?

"I would like to thank all of you for agreeing to help me clean the art room today," Ms. Shay said with glee.

"Agreeing?" Carla repeated with a roll of her eyes.

Just as she began continuing her thank you speech, the door opened and in stepped Seth. He had a pair of dark jeans on with a white t-shirt and he managed to look good even in that. He muttered an apology for being late and as his eyes scanned the room, they landed on me. His eyes studied me as he neared us. Flustered by his gaze, I focused my attention on Ms. Shay and tried to concentrate on what she was saying, which was becoming increasingly difficult now that Seth was here.

She began listing out the jobs she had for everyone: cleaning the windows, washing the dirty brushes, cleaning the tables, clearing out the paint boxes and the list goes on. I chose to clean the tables. Partly because I didn't want to do any of the other jobs and because I noticed Seth put on gloves to wash the brushes so there was no way I was doing that.

Going to the table with supplies, I grabbed a rag and a spray bottle of some liquid that I assumed was there to clean the windows and tables.

The boy whose name starts with T stood next to me and grabbed a rag too.

"Hi," he said.

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him to make sure that he was talking to me. When I was certain he was, I responded with a 'hi' too.

"So, what are you in detention for?" he asked, looking up at me as he reached for the spray bottle. His eyes caught me off guard for a minute. He had the most striking shade of blue eyes that contrasted well with his dirty blond hair. They were not really blue, more of a deep green color.

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