The Man On The Beach (1)

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Jack's POV

"We finally arrived!" Wade cheered as he quickly ran outside of the car, looking around.

"Wade... still the same as always, huh?" Bob chuckled, as he walk out the car after him and open the door for the ladies. "Ladies," He said, smiling. Molly and Mandy giggles as the walk outside and took the stuff that they bring along with them.

I lean on my chair, sighing. It's been a while since I go to the beach or meet my best friends who are now married to the most nicest people I know. Me on the other hand? I'm still living on a small apartment, alone.

"Jack? Are you coming or not?" Bob shouted, making me startled. "C-Coming!"

The beach was not quite as hectic as I thought it would be (considering it was the weekend.) The summer sun was shining on the glistening sand as the wave softly crashed against the sand. A herd of seagulls can be heard from afar, flying at the clear blue sky.

I sigh once more as I walk towards my friends. Bob was putting a box of cooler filled with cold drinks while Wade opens up an umbrella and some chairs.

"Where are the girls?" I asked curiously, putting my stuff down. "They already went on ahead and play volleyball." Bob answered, taking a drink from the cooler.

I hummed and nodded as I took a seat in one of the chair and put on my sunglasses. I was feeling down lately and nothing is really cheering me up right now. I just really wanted to go to the hotel and play some games or something...

"Jack, we're going to take a swim. Wanna join?" Wade offered.

"Nah, I'm good. Going to sit here for a while, you guys go first."

Wade shrugs his shoulder, walking away and followed by Bob. "Okay then, if you say so."

As I sit around doing nothing, I feel my throat getting drier than ever. Bob only brought some water and soft drinks; I need something more strong.

"Really want some beer right now..." I thought to myself as I stood up, and look around, trying to find the nearest place that sells some beers or anything contains alcohol. After walking for a while, I finally found a small Hawaiian bar. I then took a seat and try to figure out what I'm about to order when a deep voice interrupted my chain of thoughts.

"I recommend you to try the Piña Colada. The one that they made here is absolutely delicious."

"Don't ya think it's too girly for me?" I chuckled, still looking towards the menu that they put on a board and hang above the bar.

"Well, who cares?" He said, as I could feel that he took a seat next to me. "I really want you to try it. And you know what? I'll buy one for you just to prove my point. Free of charge."

I sighed as I turn myself towards the voice. "That's really nice of you but I don—"

My voice quickly fades away as I saw the man that was talking to me. He has a fluffy blue hair that matches the ocean, a gorgeous pair of eyes, a thin yet luscious lips, and oh god, his rocking tanned body. He was wearing a flannel (with no buttons attached, showing his quite defined abs) with a pair of sunglasses dangling from the pocket and a pair of short pants with a pink moustache pattern.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said, grinning towards me.

"Uhm... You really shouldn't, I—" "No need to thank me, sweetheart."

"Sweetheart? Aren't you a catch." I chuckled, feeling my cheeks became slightly warmer.

"I'll do anything for an adorable man such as yourself." He smiled once more and before I could speak, he looks towards the bartender. "Two Piña Colada please."

The man nodded, as he prepared the drinks.

The blue haired man then looks back towards me, still with a warm smile plastered on his face. "So, as we wait, do you mind telling me a little about yourself?"

"I don't really talk to strangers... especially the one that I just met a minute ago."

He sighs as he looks at me in the eyes. "Sorry, did I came to strong?" He chuckled, brushing his fluffy blue hair aside. "Let's start fresh, okay cutie?"

"My name is Mark Edward Fischbach, but you can call me Mark." He offered his hand. I took it hesitantly. "'M name's Sean, Sean William Mc'Loughlin. But call me Jack."

"Ah, Jack. It suits you perfectly." He smiled as he let go of the handshake. "So Jack, I've never seen you around here before."

"Oh... Yeah, it's my first time visiting this place." I huffed, leaning back.

"But why aren't you enjoying yourself? It's beautiful here."

"W-What are you talkin' about? I'm enjoyi—" "Oh please darling, don't lie to me. I can read people's movement and facial expression. You haven't genuinely smile since I talk to you and I feel like you have the most beautiful smile."

My face became warmer as I look towards the beach, trying to hide the madness that was going on my face. "Fine, you caught me. It's just... I'm feeling empty lately. But I don't really know why." Honestly, it feels weird to pour a bit of my heart towards a fine looking man that I just met a couple of minutes ago.

"Then I guess it's my duty to make you happy."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as questions started to filling up my head. "After we drink, I'll show you around, okay?"

I answered with an unsure nod, not trusting my own words.

"Two Piña Colada for you, Mr. Fischbach." The bartender smiles as he put out two gorgeous looking drinks in front of us. I admire the way it looks as Mark giggles, probably think that I'm some kind of kid that just saw something cool at a toy store.

"Hey, don't judge me here! I live on the woods for most of my life. I only go to several pubs." I pouted, earning another giggle from the other man.

"Aren't you adorable?"

"Shut up ya douche."

"Ouch, that hurts baby." He pouted, making me rolled my eyes, unamused. "Can we just drink right now?" I asked.

He then smiled once more, clinging his drink with mine. "Cheers!"

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