One-Night Stand

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Marks eyes slowly fluttered open as the warm sunlight highlight the room with a soft glow. It was too early for him to wake up so he decided to shut his eyes once more, but something on his mind preventing him from doing so. As he tried to sit up and remembered what happened last night, his head pounding in pain.

"How much did I drank last night...?" He muttered under his breath, scratching his messy hair. And then it hits him. He's not in his own room.

Everything was different; the color of the bed sheet, the wooden floor, the closet, even the window shape. Clothes are scattered everywhere, some are his and the others aren't. But something about this room feels... familiar. It's like he have saw this room before, maybe even multiple times.

As he tried to recover anything at all from last night, a sudden movement from his right side has broken his chain of thoughts. Before he could look towards the direction, a warm hand wraps around his waist, followed by a soft mumble, causing Mark to jump a little. Looking towards the person beside him, his brown eyes widened and blood quickly drained from his face.

There was him. His own best friend, lying beside him with a messy bed hair and closed eyelids, sleeping peacefully like an angel. Mark was too shock to move as his eyes sticks towards the man that still have his hand on his waist. Pieces of memories came back to him, each of them hits him like a truck. Some memories are very fuzzy but many of it was clear; How he got fired from his job yesterday, how he was going to get kicked out of his cozy apartment, how he spend the night drinking away with his best friend and trying to forget the pain, how they ended up getting way too drunk to actually think straight, and how they kissed each other hungrily like animals and finish up the hectic night by banging each other all night long.

After a while, he finally manages to move one of his limbs. He then proceeds to move the other man's arm from his waist as softly as he could, not wanting to wake him up. Even though the green haired man moved and muffled a little, his eyes are still shut.

Mark quickly took his boxer near to the bed and put it on, still feeling quite embarrassed. He then walks around the room, collecting every piece of his clothing and wore it while sitting on the bed.

"Damn, how hard did we do it last night...? My clothes are literally everywhere..." Mark thought as he tried to put on his jeans that smelled like the cheap alcohol he drank at the pub.

He finally finished putting everything on as he took his phone from the nightstand and walk himself out. When he opens the door, a movement was heard behind him.

"Mark...?" A soft voice called out his name, making him froze. He then spins around slowly to find jack still in bed, rubbing one of his eyes. "'Hey Jack... I was just, going to let myself out..." Mark said with his voice that is still a bit rough, considering that he just woke up a while ago.

"You don't want to have some breakfast first? You must be hungry and a bit hungover. Let me get you some aspirin and a cup of coffee." Jack offered, with hope pleading in his blue eyes.

"No... it's fine, I'm not hungry." Mark shook his head slowly, denying his kind offer.

"Oh... Okay then. Then let me show you the way o—" "No no, I'm okay on my own, it's much more easier." He quickly cuts Jack's word, wanting to get out as soon as possible.

Jack sat there in silence as he finally open his mouth again.

"It's about last night, isn't it?"


"No..." Mark paused for a second. "Yes? Maybe? I don't know... I just, I don't want to talk about last night. I hope we don't need to bring this up ever again, and please, don't tell anyone."

Jack seems to be hurt by the older man's word as he looks away. "It felt pretty real to me." He muttered under his breath, but mark was able to catch every single word.

Mark sighed, as he walks closer towards Jack. "We drank a lot last night... We were drunk as balls... and mistakes happens—" "Mistakes?" Jack clarifies his words, making Mark gulp nervously.

"So what we had last night was a 'mistake'? So those sweet words that you told me last night were a 'mistake'?"

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Then what is it that you are saying Mark? Please explain it to me. Besides, even if we were drunk, we still got our common sense, right? Even a little. I know I do." Jack cried, whispered the last words.

Mark's lips became cold as the atmosphere inside the room became more intense, making both men feel uncomfortable. Mark decided to break the tension because honestly, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Jack, look. I'm not ready for... this. Whatever this is"

"But last night..."

"I don't want to talk about it!" Mark raised his voice, making Jack jumped a little. "And even if I did ended up sleeping with someone last night... I wasn't expecting it to be with a guy... let alone my own best friend."

"I love you so much Sean..."

"I... I love you too Mark..."

Mark shook his head, trying to forget that piece of a memory as he rubs his forehead, still feeling like the world around him is spinning around.

"Mark, look, I—"

"Jack, please! This is odd for me! I'm straight for god sake. And I feel like we did a mistake. I feel like we cannot go back the way we were, when we were just best friends."

Jack sighed as he looks into Mark's brown eyes. "I know." He said firmly. "But honestly, I don't wanna go back Mark... I want us to be more than best friends. I hate the fact that I've hidden my true feelings for you for so long. "

Mark eyes widened as his lips and throats were dry, unable to speak. Jack stood up as he walks towards mark, hugging him tightly. He buries his head onto Mark's crooked neck, trying not to let out a tear.

"I never feel like this before... and... I love you, so very much... so please, don't go so fast. If you don't have feelings for me, that's fine... But please, don't leave me alone... I'm so lonely in this cold apartment and to be honest, all I need is you."

The words hits Mark as he finally hugs the other man back firmly, not wanting to let go ever again.

"Okay Jack... I won't, I promise."

After minutes that felt like hours, they finally let go of the warm embrace, both smiling softly towards each other. Mark yawned, still feeling a bit tired. Jack seems to notice as he took his hand, guiding both of them towards bed.

"Can we just... rest for a while? I'm not forcing you or anything—" "I would love too." Mark answered giving out a warm smile, as both of them lay again in the messy bed and pulled up the cover.

Both of them look on the opposite way for a while, still feeling a bit awkward when suddenly, Mark felt a warm and loving hand wrapped around his body, giving him warmth. Mark smiled as he moved his body and facing Jack's direction, making the other men blushed.

Mark peck jack's nose as he wrapped his hand in Jack's fragile body and pulling him closer. Jack didn't resist as he snuggled onto Mark's chest, finding the comfort that he needs. They slowly drifted away into the dreamless sleep, feeling calmer than ever.

Maybe, This could work. Maybe all along, they were meant to be with each other.

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