Anniversary Dinner? (1)

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Jack's POV

The sun peeked through the window near my bed, causing me to groan in pain. I pulled my pillow and covered my head, not wanting to start the day. Swiftly, a muscular hand wrapped itself around me, making me giggle.

"Mark... It tickles!" I said, still mumbling. He then lifted the pillow from my face, revealing a sleepy Mark with a fluffy blue mess on top of his head and a morning scruff, which I love. I couldn't help but to peck his lips lightly, smiling between it.

"Already starting with the morning kisses, eh?" He asked with a deep and flirty tone, pecking my lips back. "Just feel like it." I answered as I cuddled into his warm chest.

He smiles as he kissed my forehead lovingly, causing me to blush. Even though we already did this for the millionth of times, I still couldn't help but to feel like it's the first time.

Mark's POV

As I play around with Jack's green bed-hair, my phone buzzed faintly on my nightstand. I groan, moving from the comfortable spot as I took my phone to see what is all the fuss about.

My eyes widened when I saw what was written on the screen;

3 Years Anniversary with Jack TODAY! Don't forget to make a romantic dinner!

I sat on the edge of the bed, feeling blood has been drained from my face. "Shit..." I muttered under my breath in frustration. How could I forget such an important thing?! I should think of something before he remembers, quick!

"Is everything okay babe..?" Jack ask in concern, wrapping his arm around my waist. I quickly lock my phone screen, putting it back into my nightstand. "Yeah, everything's okay babe." I nodded, trying to convince him.

"Are you EXTRA sure?" He asks again as he put his head on my shoulder. "You know you can tell me anything." I smiled at the loving gesture, kissing his cheeks tenderly. "I know, I know... But, the only problem right now is," I paused for a while, making him curious. "What is it?"

I grinned as I pin him onto bed, causing him to let out a small gasp. I lean into his ears, whispering with my deep voice,

"I need my mornin' lovin'~"

I could feel his cheeks became warmer than before, as a giggle slip from his luscious lips. "Well aren't you a tease?"

"Well what can I say? You're talking about me here." He rolled his eyes, smiling along the way. "Oh, shut up and kiss me ya doof." He commands, moving his head forward and touching my lips with his.

The kiss became longer and heavier than both of us has anticipated; from pecking lips lovingly into a hot and rough make out session. His hand move towards my messy hair, tugging it softly, causing me to groan.

"Someone's eager." He said, chuckling. I didn't replied as my lips began to travel into his neck, leaving a noticeable hickey for the world to see. My hand move into his shirt, tugging it off.

"Now you're gonna get it—"


"Special delivery for Mark Edward Fischbach!" A cheerful voice echoed throughout the apartment.

Both of us stop moving, as I clear my throat, walking away from the comfortable bed. "Um... I-I should get that." "Y-Yeah, you should." He nodded awkwardly, sitting up as he scratch his neon green hair.

Today's going to be a long day.

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