"Is that good?" Katie asked.

He shrugged. "Alright."

"It must be hard being his protector for such a long time."

"Well, I'm not exactly his protector anymore."

"You act like one."

"He's my friend."

"You can stop fussing over Jackson over there. He's fine- he has all the gods surrounding him." Luke waved off.

The gods.

The gods were a little group of powerful people, mostly related.

The people here were all chosen by them, or some their own child.

They weren't just powerful with their skills.

They were the first generation of assassins, which some of them had worked for the government. They had friends working everywhere- friends that they could control. They could get away with almost everything, because they had the political status and money to do so.

So they were very, very vain.

I scowled. "It looks like Ares is always around him."

"That's exactly why I'm worried."

Luke shrugged. "Not our buisness."

Katie took a bite of her donut. "Grover's right. He doesn't look so good."


"... just something about him."

Katie was a expert on everything about nature. She was Demeter's daughter- one of the gods. She was talented in science, mostly biology, so she was almost as good as a doctor.

I watched Ares slap him on the back a few times, a hard enough for him to cough on his food. They both stood up and left.

"Uh oh." Grover stood up.

Luke waved his hand, chewing on his sandwitch. "Ares can't do anything. Perseus is one of Zeus's favorites. Imagine what Zeus would say."

Grover glanced at Luke nervously. "... yeah. I think I should go-"

"Oh come on. There's a fancy breakfast today. Enchiladas."

"... I ate enough."

"Hey Grover!" Silena smiled at him brightly. "I need to talk to you."

"Maybe not now-"

She entwined her arm into his and pulled him off. I raised an eyebrow.

"What's with her today?"

"What about Silena?" Katie asked.

"... she doesn't sound like she really has something to say."

"Really Annie?" Luke craned his neck to see them. "I couldn't find any hints."

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