Oh god...

I started puking again.

"Clean that up," Miguel barked at the girl.

Miguel then dragged me inside the room.

"Let's play, love," he said, as he nuzzled my neck.

I flinched.

Miguel laughed.

"Come on my little virgin..."

Oh god. Please. Just kill me now. Let me die!

"Take your clothes off for me, love...@ he purred.

I woke up with a piercing scream.


I quickly ran into her room.

I opened her door, and found her sitting up on the bed.

I walked over to turn on her bedside lamp, and found her damp with sweat, while hyperventilating.

"Shit. I'm sorry, Sunshine," I said, as I pulled her into my arms.

She wrapped her arms around me so tight.

"It's okay. I'm here. I've got you," I said softly.

"I'm sorry. I should have woken you up."

I noticed the guys where standing by her door, ready to fight. Their guns in their hands.

So I turned so that Lia wouldn't see their guns.

I signed for them to put away their weapons, and they quickly did.

Lia pulled back. Tears streaming down her face.

I gave her a small smile and wiped away her tears.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"You're here now," she said.

"Can you guys give us a minute? We'll meet you back in the dining room," I said.

They nodded and closed the door behind them.

"Those are my team and friends."

"They look scary and ready to fight," Lia said as she sniffed.

I chuckled. And wiped her sweat away from her head.

"Bad one?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Want to talk about it?"

She shook her head.

"I know you get nightmares, but I have no idea what it's about. Will you tell me? Please?"

She sniffed and sighed, and slides her eyes tightly, as she shivered.

"I... They're not really nightmares. They're more like flashbacks. I dream about the things that has already happened. Things..." She trailed off as she shook her head. "I can't," she whispered brokenly.

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