Chapter 9 Is This Really Happening

Start from the beginning

Wait, I can feel him and...cry. Does this mean I'm getting better? I couldn't do anything but hear before.

I began trying to move my hand. The one Lou was holding to squeeze his hand back. I was just about to give up until I realized my hand was just twitching a bit. Just has I felt Lou's head lift off my bed.
"Y/n?" I continued trying to move my hand. "Y/n?" He said again. I felt a light hand lay on my cheek and wipe away a few tears. I slowly blinked my eyes open to reveal a bright light above me. I finally squeezed Lou's hand back.
"Y/n, you''re awake!!" I looked over to see a giant smile on his tear stained face. I smiled to him and used my free hand to cup his cheek. He seemed so surprised and in shock, all he did was cup his hand over mine that was resting on his cheek. "I knew you wouldn't leave me." He explained.
"You helped me Lou." I told him.
"I could hear you. What you said helped me. I began to finally began to feel and cry, because of you. You helped me. I'm back because of you." I finished.
I shifted around in my bed so I was sitting up.
"Oh my god I've missed you so much!!" He screamed standing up and giving me a tight hug. I hugged him back feeling wonderful that I was holding him. I looked over his shoulder to see the guys and my mom right behind them walk in.
"Y/n!!!!" They all yelled as they ran to my bed to hug me causing Lou to back off.
"Oh my gosh my baby girl's all right!!" My mom yelled.
"Thank god you're back!!" Harry yelled.
"Yeah Now some one will finally be able to beat Lou at Mario Cart!" Niall yelled causing Lou to punch his arm a bit.

I looked around to see smiles on everyone's faces. It was just about the best sight in the world. I could finally see them again. I looked at Lou to see the biggest smile in his face that I had ever seen. I smiled just realizing that I wouldn't have to hear Louis plead for my life anymore and hear him cry and not be able to help calm him down.
"I'm gonna go tell one of the nurses that you're up so we can see if we can take you home soon." Harry said.
"I can't wait to get you home again!! Its gonna be much better having you at the house again!" Liam exclaimed.

"I can't believe this is really happening!" Lou exclaimed. "After a month of you being out, we finally get to bring you home!"

Well believe it cause that exactly what's happening!" My mom said laughing. It was nice to see her face too. I hadn't seen her for a while. Seeing her so happy made my smile get bigger even though I had no idea it could get any bigger than it already was.
"Wow its great to see all the smiling faces and that you're up y/n." A nurse explained as she walked in with Harry.
"Yeah its great to be up." I responded.
"Well I'm sorry to ask but could I have everyone leave so I could run some test on y/n to see how well everything is with her?"
"Yes of course!!" Lou said smiling giantly then leaning down and kissing my cheek.
It had been about an hour of running tests and such to find out if I could go home today or not.
"So, how does it look?" I asked the nurse.
"It looks great! I do believe we can slow you to go home today! Now let me go tell your family and then I'll bring you some clothes and you can get dress then you'll be free to go!"
I thought about correcting her and saying that there was only one person there that was my family but then I realized. The guys are my family. We've been together for three years and have never grown apart or ever plan on that. We are all a family and that wouldn't change anytime soon.
"Okay great!! Thank you so much!!"

I couldn't believe it. I was going to be home within the next hour!

Soon enough everyone was back in the room and Lou sat on my bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm so glad you can come home." He whispered into my ear.
"Me too." I replied softly.

Just minutes later the nurse walked back in with my clothes.
"Here you are y/n."
"Thank you so much!" I said with a giant smile.
"Now. I believe at least the guys should leave to give the girl some privacy to get dressed." The nurse explained looking around giving the guys a playful evil eye. I just laughed along with everyone else as they walked out of my room. I literally threw my clothes on and walked out of the room.
"Ready to go home?" Lou asked me as he wrapped his arm around me and we all talked to the front desk to check me out.
"Yes...I am...very ready." I said smiling at him.
We were finally at home and I couldn't help but smile. We all just sat in the front room talking and hanging out. Lou, Niall, liam and my mom on the couch. I sitting on Lou's lap and Harry sitting on the floor. We all just talked and hung out and laughed at each other. Just like before I was in the hospital. Perfect. Everything was absolutely perfect now.
I began to laugh along with everyone at Niall's failed joke and I saw it. I saw Lou laugh again. He threw his head back a bit and his eyes crinkled up with his big smile. His white smile was so contagious it cause mine to grow bigger. Finally, all I ever wanted when I was helpless was here. Right in front of me. My life. My family and my future. My future looked very happy with that big smile of his. I can't wait to see what he brings me.
THIS IS NOT THE END!! I just wanted to be sure that everyone knew that cause looking at the way this chapter ended, I could see how some people might think it was over. Also I wanna give a shout out to Jjoceelyn because she is so cool and very nice. I've noticed that she is always reading my book and it really makes me happy!! She is an amazing. You should go follow her!!
Okay so please tell me what you think of this chapter or the story so far!! If ya read this far comment '💘'

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