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"Oh, when the soaring winds come down to earth,
And the mighty stand no more,
The Angel of God will suddenly appear,
and make the bells toll once more."

That is the ancient saying of The Shatto. A glorious and wondrous race of people. They believed in the possibility that beyond this normal plane of existence, lies a celestial world filled with God-like beings. They created this plane to see a kind of aborigines thrive and grow to mold the world in beauty and peace. But alas, the world as we live in it now had seen nothing but darkness. For in the farthest recesses of our minds less a darker entity. One consumed with: Hatred, Greed, Envy, Vanity, and above all, Destruction. When the Gods came to know of this darkness, they declared a Holy War. The War of Retribution was what it was called. The Gods realized that they could do no more to pay for their sins, than by destroying the creatures they loved. When Man found out about this, they embarked on a long and arduous journey, to find the Hidden Scrolls of the Goddess Rengai. Within these scrolls lied a mysterious miracle, wondrous and unknown to us today, that could either bring about the Age of Enlightenment for man, or the death and destruction of the world.

Far from that world of profit and greed, lied the land of Waters. It is here we meet our unlikely herion. Young and simple, and unaware of the treasure lying within her. She saw the magic in the world, and instead of shifting the balance to benefit her, she only cared for others. She went by the name of Ember Farron, the last of the Shatto... and protecter of the Scrolls.

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