Chapter [2] : The Gloomy Happiness

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It was quite silence while Naruto is all alone with Hinata, on their way to meet her father in the hospital. "Hinata.. if you are tired, please let me know. We can stop for a drink or food before we go to the hospital," said Naruto breaking the silence upon seeing Hinata yawned and her eyes looks tired. "Daijobou Naruto-Kun. I am fine. I really want to see my father and learn his condition right now, a..and thank you so much for helping me out here N..Naruto-Kun," said Hinata while giving him a smile that skip his heart a beat.

He blushes, again. His heart felt so warm that make him smile along with her. Although, he have some doubts he wants to clear with Hinata about her family, he keeps those doubts to himself first as he do not want to put anymore burden to her at that moment. Naruto thoughts to himself on how it is easy to read Hinata's expression, and how effortless it is to understand her emotions now. 'She is like an open book', he thoughts in his head. 'Why wouldn't I noticed her any earlier'.

Reaching at their destination, Hinata was eager to know what is Naruto's plan on how to sneak in. At this hour, they have to be really careful as they won't be facing only obstacles from the inside of the hospital, in fact they really have to take extra cautios to make sure they are unseen by those Ninja that is guarding outside the hospital as well.

"Hinata, please use your Byaakugan to locate Hiashi Oji-San", ordered Naruto. Nodded, she muttered "ByaaKugan" and start searching for her father's chakra's flows. "There!", she pointed at the highest level of the building, heading towards the west wing. Without any further a due, he reached for her cold hand and whispered closely to her ears, "follow my lead, trust me", wearing a smile on his face.

Speechless Hinata nodded, as the sign she understood. Instead of heading exactly to where Hinata has pointed earlier, Naruto switched his way to the east of the building instead. Hinata was confused, but she still follow along with him, for she believes he have a plan, and that made her feel even excited to follow exactly where Naruto is heading. 'Is this how it felt to break rules?', she thoughts in her heart, chuckling.

Being a senpai for the 'king' or the future successors of the village, Naruto are now fully knowledge about the hospital's hideout  and also the secret route to get in and out of the building. He learned this from his mischievious students that are very familiar about the hospital since they spend almost one-third of their time there, recovering from extra trainings or the wounded they gotten from their missions. 

Passionate by Naruto's spirits and enthusiasm, they oftenly tried to sneak out of the hospital to continue their trainings and the hospital have to inform to Naruto about his students being missing. Bearing the responsibility, he actually spied on those kids and found out how they end up mysteriously out of the hospital. 

Upon confronting them, they ask for his apologies and explained themselves about their actions. His students remind him a lot of himself and his friends last time, especially Sasuke and the brushy brows. He is an adult now, and he should let his students understand the consequences from their ruthless action.

 " Kids, I admire your spirits and passions to be strong and stronger despite the wounds and injuries you all have to bear. Demo, you guys are the 'king' of this village, you guys are precious to the village. Balance your Ninja life and your other life. Be strong wisely, not emotionally, okay?", said Naruto to his fellow students while grinning and give a promising thumbs up  to them. Acknowledging the hero of the village, the kids nodded all together and take their mentor's personal advice seriously. 

Reached at the right side of the building, he held onto Hinata's hand even firmly, for they now are depending on their chakras to stick on the second level wall of the hospital, vertically. From the window, Naruto observes the situation inside and he notices no harm. Once he is fully confirmed, eyes are still looking straight through the window, he pulls Hinata's upwards to help her get in through the window first, but somehow her weight seems getting heavy and heavier, as if she is been pulled downwards.

Naruto glances below his eyes to see Hinata, but only to see her mouth is been shut by a shadow of a hand and her body is been wrapped by some sort of black figure. Shocked, he quickly jump off the wall to rescue her, but his other hand that is still clinging to the wall felt like it is been glued there. Her hands slowly slips away from Naruto's left hand while her teary eyes are screaming for helps. 

"Hinata!", he shouted, yet she is only been pulled away from him even quicker. "Hina....!", Naruto's mouth suddenly was also sticked together and he can't utter anything.  He pulls his right arm as strong as he can, causing the wall to crack several very long straight thick lines upwards. 'What kind of jutsu is this? I can't take off my hand, and if I really pull my hand hard enough, I might cause this crack to turn the building to crashed !', Naruto talks to himself. The longer he is hanging there, the more Hinata is going to be in trouble. 'At this rate, I have to ask for help, but how? I can't move nor speak! Please anyone... Help me so I can rescue her ', whisper Naruto in his heart, helplessly.


Dush! Hinata been pushed and fall on her knees. She is not capable to even use any of her jutsu for she has lost many chakras now. "What do you want from me?", she asked firmly while she turned her face away from the figure. "Don't you want to know who am I first, Hinata-Sama?", the voice answered her with a little laughter. Recognizing the voice, she look up straight with a suprised, still not understanding why would the person she knew that is standing right in front of her now is doing what he is doing.

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