Chapter 22.

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"Babe, where does this box go?" Ben asked, walking up the front steps in our new house. Just as he promised while we were stuck in that room, we moved back to England.

I walked over to him with a smile and opened the flaps on the box, peeking in at it's contents. I gasped happily, grabbing it out of his hands and sitting on the kitchen floor. He gave me a funny look and I patted the tile next to me. "Well come on."

He sat down and I pulled everything out of the box. There were old photos of us, ones from when I had first moved into the apartments and just after. Then there were some from when we started the band and moved to the USA. I looked over the pictures of the lads, realizing how much they changed. I giggled, "I'm so glad you don't straighten your hair so much anymore."

He chuckled and picked up another picture, one of Jay and I when we had first gotten together. I felt a lump in my throat and my stomach drop. I ran my hands through my hair, just wanting to forget about him and move on with my life. Ben pulled out a lighter and set the picture ablaze, smiling, "You won't be needing any reminders of that fucker."

I nodded, watching as the picture turned black and curled up at the edges as the fire spread. Ben was right, I had no reason to ever let him cross my mind again. I put all the pictures back in the box ad stood up, walking toward the stairs. "I'll put them in our bedroom closet."

He nodded and waved the burnt picture around in the air, "I'll toss this piece of shit away."

I walked upstairs, passing the hall closet and the room that Ben would use as his office, walking straight into our bedroom. There were plenty of boxes on the floor, but I walked passed them and went to the closet. Standing on my tip-toes, I lifted the box over my head and tried to put it on the highest shelf. I let out a huff, realizing I was just too short to reach it. Two tattooed arms wrapped around me from behind and Ben's asked me happily, "Need some help?"

I set up the bedroom the way I wanted it, and Ben put together his office. We went downstairs and I unpacked the kitchen, letting Ben put together the sitting room the way he wanted it. After everything was put away, I sat down at the kitchen table and looked out the sliding doors that led to the backyard, smiling at what I saw.

We had a big backyard with a patio and an in ground pool. Ben had already set out the chairs and the grill. I could imagine the happy summers, when the guys would come over and we'd have parties and cook outs. There was such a big yard though, something was missing. An idea flashed through my head and I grinned, running into the living room.

The wood floors and my socks almost caused me to slide across the room and hit the wall as we skidded to a stop. Ben wiped some sweat from his forehead, as he had just finished pushing our big comfy new couch across the room. He asked, somewhat out of breath, "What'sup?"

I smiled, "We should get a dog."

I bit my lip, waiting for his answer. He shrugged and grinned, "Why not?"

I glanced at the clock, knowing that the shelter in town would close soon. "Well, come on then."

"Right now?" Ben gawked.

I smiled, walking towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Right now."

We got in Ben's car and he drove of into town, tapping on the steering wheel to Skid Row. I smiled, staring at him has he drove. He glanced over at me once, noticing I had been looking at him the whole time. He chuckled, "What?"

"Nothing," I shrugged, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, too," He smiled, turning a corner.

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