Chapter 18.

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"Remember me?" Jay grinned.

In fact, I almost didn't remember him. I had pushed him out of my mind, expecting him to be in jail for a while. I didn't know what to say. "What do you want from me?"

He landed a sack across my face. "You made me lose my job." Another smack on the other cheek. "You sent me off to jail for a while." Another hit. "If you google me, it'll warn you that I'm violent. So you can imagine how my dating life is now." One more hit. My head was being pushed from side to side so much, I thought I was going to get whiplash.

"Jay, please," I gulped, my lip busted open. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you want to be with Ben. Guess what? I wanted Parkway to blow up." Jay shrugged with an odd smile. "We don't always get what we want."

I heard a door open behind me, and I snapped my head back, trying to see who it was. I could hear heels tapping on the floor as the person walked into my view. It was the girl with the kid, staring daggers at me. "Fucking bitch," She smirked.

I let out a scream. I didn't even say anything, I just screamed out in anger. The girl smiled, "Oh, someone is getting pissy, huh?"

"What the fuck are you doing here? What is going on?" I barked.

"Look, Ben and I have a kid. We're meant for each other, okay?" She said, leaning over to look me in the eyes. "You're nothing compared to me."

"Fuck you," I spat.

She wiped some of my spit of her cheek, whacking my hard across the face. I flipped some hair out of my face. I was done crying. I was done pleading. Fuck this shit. I snapped, "So what? are you gonna kill me? Murder is crime, shithead. You're gonna go to jail. People are gonna look for me."

"Probably not," Jay shrugged.

The girl smiled, "I'm gonna call Ben in a few hours, while he's freaking out about you going missing. I'll suggest that you ran off, thinking it was a mistake to be with him because he has a kid, and the idea will eat away at him until he believes it. Bye bye, Lauren."

I nodded, "Sure, that'll work. Did you kidnap the kid, too?"

"How'd you know?" She smiled.

I shook my head and flipped some hair out of my face. "You're a sick fuck."

"Maybe," She shrugged with a smile. "But I'll be fucking your boyfriend in no time."

With that, they both had a laugh and exited the room. I took a deep breath. I knew I had to do something. These people were fucking crazy. Why did everything have to go bad when it was finally right? My life was a whirlpool of disappointment. I was gonna die a 23 years old, killed my a couple of lunatics. Fabulous.

I threw my head back in frustration, noiing the chair rocked a bit. I started rocking it all around, until it came out of the ground and fell on its side. The wooden arm snapped, and I was able to pull it off. I untied my other hand, then worked on my ankles. Once I was completely free, I pulled one of the legs off of the chair and held it tight in my hands. I pressed myself against the wall next to the door, ready to beat someone to death when they stepped into the room.

I stood there for at least an hour, exhausted and hurting, but not giving up. I just wanted to go to sleep in Ben's arms. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, I could hear the door being locked from the other side. I tightened my grasp on the wooden stick to the point where it hurt my hands. The door flung open and I let out a grunt, hitting Jay as hard as I could.

He cringed as the leg broke over his head. I took a shaky step backward as he cracked his neck and turned to me. "You're not gonna make this easy, are you?"

He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, wrestling for dominance. I spat in his face, "Fuck off, Jay. You're garbage. You were a shitty boyfriend, you were a shitty manager, and now you're a shitty criminal. Do you know how easy it was to get out of that chair?"

His face turned red, and he slammed my head against the wall, dragging me out of the room. He pulled me through a hallway that was very, very dark. Suddenly I was thrown on my face into a bathroom that looked like the set from Saw I. I rolled my eyes, "How original."

"You're a victim," He said, kicking me while I was down and putting a chain around my ankle. "Fucking act like one. Time to be a bit humble."

"Humble?" I laughed, causing my body to shudder. "I'm not giving you the satisfaction."

He gave me a look as if he wanted to kill me right then and there, so I gave him a smile. My mouth as probably all bloody, but this is what he wanted. He clenched his fists and stormed off, slamming the door, leaving the booming to echo around the room. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall, I was so tired, but I knew I couldn't fall asleep.

It wasn't such a long time before that insane girl came into the room. As if we were friends, she smiled, "How are you, Lauren?"

"I've been worse," I shrugged with a smile. Was I loosing my mind too? "I never caught your name."

"I'm Carly," She giggled. "And I was just about to call Ben, I thought you might want to hear. Just remember, make a sound, and I won't hesitate to fucking kill you."

I nodded and lied, "You can have Ben, you obviously want him more than I do."

She looked shocked, "Oh, well.. Anyway, I'm calling him."

The call was normal at first. She told him her full name and all that, then she smiled evilly, "You sound upset, is something wrong?"

He muttered something that was obviously about me disappearing. Then Carly pretending to be sympathetic. She said something about me leaving, saying that I probably thought this was too much for me and all that. Before he could respond, I took this as my chance.

I screamed, "Ben, no! She has me! She and Jay took me form the house! Help me!"

By the timeI had finished yelling that, Carly was already slamming my head on the wall in an attempt to knock me out. "No, Ben. Of course not," she said calmly, as I heard him yelling that he heard me.

I yelled, almost out of energy, "Ben, help me! For fucks sake, they're gonna kill me!"

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Ben yelling through the phone, "Lauren, I hear you! I hear you! I'm gonna save you!"

To A New World.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora