(year 3) Chapter 1: Owl post, Aunt Marge, Knight bus

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Harry's pov


I hate spending time during the summer with the Dursleys more than any other time of the year. All I really wanted to do was my homework yet I had to do it in secret, dead at night. I had a blanket as I used the spell Lumos so I can use as some light as I worked on my essay, while using my book as help. As I wrote, I paused and listened for if the Dursleys heard the quill on the paper. If I got caught, I'd be locked in the cupboard till I leave for Hogwarts. Being away from homework was such a problem for me. All my teachers gave me a lot of work and one of them was from my least favorite, Professor Snape. While the Dursleys were out admiring Vernon's new car, I got several books from the cupboard and went back to my room, hiding them in my bedroom. I was trying as hard as I could to avoid trouble from Dursleys, all till Ron called me one week into the vacation and got in trouble when uncle Vernon picked up the phone and yelled at Ron and got me in trouble by accident. My two other bestfriends, Hermione and Samantha hadn't been in touch with me either just like Ron was. He must of warned them about uncle Vernon and the phone. I hid everything after I finished homework. I went through all my birthday gifts from my friends back at Hogwarts, feeling loved and happy it was my birthday. I was happy from Sam and the other Weasleys who got able to go to Egypt. I wonder how they're doing. Well I will forget about avoiding getting in trouble since I just ended up blowing up my Aunt Marge after my magic went crazy and right now currently in a bus and on my way to a place to stay at.

Sam's pov


I smiled as I read Neville's letter to me, re-reading the part 'I Love you too Sam' at the end of the letter. Me and him ended our letters the same way to each other, my feelings for him were still the same yet getting bigger as I got to know him and we're best friends and I just love the same things . As I sent Snowflake with letters to send back to my friends at Hogwarts. I met all my brothers finally and I met bill and we had been sending letters to each other and got along greatly. I felt so much like a real family and felt like a Weasley. Molly is such an amazing and great mum to me and Arthur is such an great dad as well. I do miss my family yet I know they are always going to be there for me in my heart and mind forever. I looked out the window of my room that I shared with Ginny as I mumbled to the sky "Night mum, dad, sleep well Nev" As I shut my eyes. Dreaming about seeing Neville again and about seeing all my friends again too.

Author note: holy damn guys I got onto Wattpad and was going to update this chapter when I saw my story finally got 1K and I'm so happy I got my goal at getting to 1K its been amazing writing this story for you guys for half a year now and I'm excited for how far I have gotten and achieved at this, by the way I'm sorry this was short I promise next chapter will be a little longer, I hope you guys enjoy reading this story so much and I love you guys equally and *squeals* I just remembered the third year will be the start of Neville and Sam's romance , ooooh lets see how that goes for third year and so on . okay well ill be making chapter 2 which I've been planning for a while and will be done as soon as possible for you guys, till then stay safe and stay tuned to updates on any of my stories and this story on my page. have fun reading this story guys and again thank you so freaking damn much for getting this story to 1k and see ya on the next chapter. Baiii everyone

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