(year 2) Chapter 2: Bad news, At Flourish and Blotts and the Whomping willow

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(oh and now one quick thing i have to say Samantha has blond hair yet it changed to brown since it got darker then blond so now she has dark brown hair and same way yet different hair color your welcome for saying it)

Sam's Pov


Holidays with the burrow was really nice and was different for Harry cause of the how it is at the Dursley's. I have tried sending letters to mum and dad yet no letters are sent back only snowflake comes back and I was starting to get worried and scared cause I didn't know what was wrong. Harry ended up being hearing from Hogwarts one week after he came to the burrow. one breakfast morning ,I got dressed and put my ring and necklace mom and dad had given me and wore the bracelet Nev gave me and headed downstairs with Ron and Harry. Ginny , Arthur , and molly were all at the table and I had a silent laugh when ginny dropped her porridge on the ground when she saw harry and I pretend to ignore and I accepted the toast molly had offered us. Arthur then spoke as I took a bite of my toast. "Letters from school and there is also a second letter for you Samantha." that's when I went pale and everyone noticed and knew why and cause my hair went black and Arthur passed harry and ron's there and nicely and calmy gave me mine as I took it and read the school one and my hair was a black in fear knowing it could either be bad or good and I opened it and as I read it , I had a tear slip and my hair turned from black to blue and the letter read

Dear Samantha summers,

We are truly and terribly sorry to imform you that your mother and father, Julia and Thomas summers were killed by magic last night and we'd like to also imform you that the weasleys will be adopting you and that all the galleons of your parents have been passed on to you. Again we are terribly and deeply sorry for your loss and having to imform the news to you.

Sincerely, Department Of Magical Law Enforcment

By the end I was hand in my head hair is blue and I'm sobbing letter infront of me and the Weasleys read what happened they knew about the adoption yet not by how my parents died and Percy may seem all mature and serious yet that changed to a unserious and mature and he got up and hugged me and kissed my head which shocked and made everyone smiled since they never thought percy was a sweetheart when he is out of school and I hugged back and I still was looking down at the letter and I felt the twins hold me in their arms and both kissed my cheeks and my hair went back to blond yet I'm still sad and they both kept hugging and said "love you little flower, and we already love you like a sister we wont let anyone hurt you and now we can have someone to help with pranks," which earned the two a scowl from molly or should I say mom and I cracked a smile and tiny laugh as one last tear fell and I had the sweater from Christmas on and smiled and kissed both their cheeks in a way of saying thanks and they smiled and Ron smiled at me and Ginny went up and hugged me tightly and warmly and I hugged back and Molly and Arthur hugged me and mumbled a tiny love you honey and I mumbled a love you two since I was squished by the hug of the two and I smiled and we all sat down and talked about what we were doing today and I smiled for once and put a hand threw my hair since I had hair cover my right eye so it helped and we all got ready to go to Diagon alley and I smiled at the thought of being a Weasley and having my best friends as siblings and I smiled to myself and headed downstairs

*Mini time skip*

We had all went to the front of the fire place as mom held the floo powder and explained how to Ron and Harry only since I already knew how since I have done it to go to Diagon ally with my... before... yeah ,and After the twins then went me and Percy and we all were together and Percy was acting mature like he does in school yet was a nice around me and he and the twins were around me and I smiled at my new brothers who are also my best friends as we waited for mom, dad , Ginny and Ron to come and we didn't see Harry and we went off knowing we'd bump into each other and we had gotten new robes and uniform for us and I helped and paid some and mom said not to yet I told her I was being nice and she smiled and we only need the books yet we wanted to get it together and I was with the twins and saw trevor by my leg and hear him croak and I got him in my hands and pet him and he made a tiny sound and I could see Neville and I skipped to Neville and tapped his shoulder and he turned around and smiled and got Trevor and hugged me shyly yet like we always did and his grandmother smiled "why hello sam and I'm sorry for your loss we heard what happened." she frowned when she said it a bit and hugged me surprisingly and when she pulled from the hug and smiled at me and thanked me for finding trevor and said they needed to go get robes since they had gotten the books and nev and I told eachother we'd owl each other later and see eachother at school and hugged one last time before he went and I went to fred and George who smirked and snickered and I scowled at the two "don't scowl at us little flower we can tell you like him don't you?" I blushed and my hair turned pink and both laughed and ruffled my hair and I let it change back to blond and we went to get our books. I had already eaten ice cream with the twins and the trio and I see mom get excited over the annoying Lockhart I was beside her and the twins were next to me and Lockhart held harry an a hold as he had a fake smile and took a picture and harry came back not amused , and such perfect timing cause draco and his father walked in both same smirk and look in eyes and I rolled my eyes at that and they stood in front of us and had a little fight and pushed dad backwards into a bookshelf and my hair turned red and the twins held me back when he said bad stuff about my parents and the weasleys and I nearly was going to do something if I wasn't held back and luscious and draco both and me glared at eachother as hagrid pulled Arthur and Lucius apart and George and Fred were entertained yet it ended and Lockhart thought it was funny and all and we got the books and payed and got out quickly and the grangers were shaking and Hermione was mad since she knew what happened with me and she saw how I reacted and her parents were shaking with fright of the fight and mom wasn't happy about it at all. After a crazy , sad day we all went to the leaky cauldron and went by floo powder back home and we all and harry had removed his glasses before using floo powder since of what happened earlier when he did with floo powder.

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