(year 2) Chapter 4: The Deathday Party and The writing on the wall

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Samantha's pov


October finally arrived. Oliver wood's enthusiasm for regular training sessions, however, was not dampened, which why me and Harry were to be found, late one stormy Saturday afternoon a few days before Halloween, returning to Gryffindor tower, drenched and splattered with mud. I had watched up yet harry still splattered in mud. Even Aside from all the rain and wind it hadn't been a happy, nice practice session. We had Fred and George as spies on the Slytherin team, getting told that some had Nimbus two thousands and one. I was at the moment hanging out with Neville, Luna, Seamus, Dean talking bout anything and Hermione was there also and had smirked every time she notice a tiny glances from me and Neville at each other at times when we all spoke.

Harry's pov


As I squelched along the deserted corridor, I came across somebody who looked just as preoccupied as I was. Nearly Headless Nick, The ghost of Gryffindor tower, was morosely staring out the window, muttering something under his breath , which I could hear "...Don't fulfil their requirement... half an inch, if that.. ." I then cleared my throat quietly "Hello, Nick," I said as he replied "Hello, Hello," staring and looking round. "You look trouble, young potter," said Nick, we talked for a moment as I walked away, ignoring Mrs.Norris accusing look, yet was caught by Flinch and nearly would've been written up if it wasn't for peeves doing something, which made flinch and Mrs.Norris distracted and made them go search peeves. I don't like peeves much, but I couldn't help but be grateful for his timing. I sped out of the office, and thanked headless nick and peeves before I got back to the common room , planning on going to the deathday party, and saw Hermione , Ron and Samantha there sitting and talking by the fire.

Samantha's pov


We talked to Harry and I was also planning on going to the party since I was also invited to tag along and I told Neville I would be gone for a bit to do something important and we hugged warmly and ran to the trio who I went with to the party and I was going to go to Neville and the others to hang out before midnight and we all had met moaning Myrtle who I know has a tiny crush on harry and we were all having fun and said bye to everyone as we were going back to the common room and stopped when we saw Mrs.Norris hanging on the torch bracket and writing on the wall that looked like was written in blood which made me scrunch my nose at the awful scent and I went back quick with Neville and let the trio check it out since I was getting bit nauseous and we were together talking and Neville calmed me down knowing something like a nightmare happened and he calmed me and talked it out and we joined the rest and saw the blood writing on the wall and I felt not okay and bit nauseous at the smell and me and Nev had moved out the way when flinch came thorough and he reacted sadly by covering his mouth and yelling at the trio and I felt bad and slightly scared and Neville held my hand knowing that I would always do the same to him when he needed a comfort or reassurance and it sure did help me and he pulled me in a tiny side hug knowing I was getting sick of the smell of blood and the trio was then taken away by Dumbledore, Lockhart, flinch and Snape who went to the git Lockhart office since it was the closes. The students including me and Neville all returned to our commons rooms ,  and I had smiled when Neville kissed my cheek in a friendly way as we went to our dorms , I entered my dorm and put my hair in a bun and changed into my pajama and pulled the sheets and got under them , waiting for Hermione's return. Half an hour later, she came back tired and had changed into her pajama's already and she told me about how the cat was really petrified and what happened after I left for a reason and we talked for a minute more and she kept on telling me Neville may have feelings for me since of how he always is around me yet I responded by saying no that it isn't possibly since its just a friendly way yet I wasn't sure of it and I mentally remembered he didn't know what the purple color meant yet he knew the other meanings and we both said good night as we headed off to sleep till morning

Hermione's pov (finally one by herself in the second year! checked off my mental checklist of this story)


Hopefully she does realize that Neville does possibly fancy Samantha a lot, its obvious and I think its cute how he cares about her and she cares about him like she cares about her family and the me , Harry and Ron. They both have stuff in common, like love of Herbology, hang out together, and are best friends like she is to me and harry and Ron and the twins Luna Seamus, dean. I wonder if Neville knows that the purple that comes in Samantha's hair means love. maybe ill tell him if he ever asks which I think he will and I was also thinking about how sweet it is how they comfort and reassure eachother with holding hands or hugging. I smiled at that and had a flashback of this night and how we got in trouble when bumped into Percy on the way out of the bathroom and harry and Ron and I tried and found clue about the chamber and about poly juice so we could spy on Draco in the Slytherin common room to see if he really is the heir. I shut my eyes as I went off to sleep till morning.


Author note: Hola again and wow got myself record of writing two stories in one day I wrote the first chapter to my new story and the next chapter for this one and now its done whoo! and hope you enjoyed the story and this chapter. I know it was cute and awesome and readers go and check out my new story its amazing and going great and may the odds ever be in your favor and stay tuned for updates on my stories and farewell my little cookies .

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