(year 1) Chapter 7: Nobert the Norwegian Ridgeback and the Forbidden forest

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(quick note: I dedicate this to noody_kittin for her nice comments and nice chat we had and if you aren't following her make sure to go while reading this story and leave a little comment or tiny vote anything and leave any messages or questions on my messages may the odds ever be in your favor and let the story begin!)

Samantha's pov


Quirrel seems to be getting paler and thinner and braver then me and the trio thought. every time me and the trio passed the third door corridor, we would press our ears to the door and check that Fluffy was still growling inside. Snape is still the same with his usual bad temper, which surely means the stone is stil safe. Whenever Harry passed by Quirrel, would always give him a encouraging soft of a smile ,and for some odd reason ron has begun to tell people off for laughing at Quirrels's stutter. Hermione, however, had so much more then the Sorrcerer's stone. She had schedules and colorcoded notes. Me , harry , and ron wouldnt have minded, but mione always kept nagging at us to do the same. Me, neville, luna, and, seamus and dean are still close and me and neville are close like best friends , i like him.. alot and i think he likes me back too yet i will never be sure. he has been normal yet a little shy and nervous when he holds my hand or when me and him hugged. me and the trio are in the library workking on extra work. Harry was searching something up in a book till hagrid had shuffled off into view and something looked very odd and out of place in his overcoat. he talked to harry and us and after we talked , he had shuffled back out again.

*time skip*

"Hagrid, you live in a wooden house," Hermione said. Hagrid just kept humming while he stoked the fire. Well we found out he had an egg, a dragon egg to be exact and we all kept the secret for Hagrid cause what could possibly happen if someone finds out about Hagrid illegally hiding a dragon in his hut. Evening after evening the trio and I struggled with extra work yet Neville was nice enough and helped me a bit. Hermione had now begun to give us study schedules. It totally drove us nuts, then one nice breakfast, Hedwig brought Harry another note from Hagrid and it said it's hatching. Ron wanted to skip Herbology and go straight to Hagrid's hut. Hermione ignored it. "Hermione, How many times in lives are we going to see a dragon hatching." Hermione snapped a little , yet Harry whispered to shut up. Malfoy was a few feet away and he stopped to listen. How much did he hear? Me nor Harry liked the look on Malfoy's face. Neville and I walked together a bit to Herbology While Ron and Hermione argued all the way to class, and the end of class I hugged Neville, and he hugged me back. Hermione finally agreed to run down with me, harry, and Ron during morning break. When we heard the bells ring I said bye to Neville and the four of us dropped our trowels at once and dashed to see Hagrid who greeted us and quickly ushered us inside. We got our chairs closer and looked at the egg. after a little bit of looking at the egg suddenly, the egg split open. It wasn't exactly pretty. Ron and Harry thought it looked like a crumpled, black umbrella. It sneezed and a couple of sparks flew out of its little snout. I smiled at Hagrid's kindness towards little Nobert and he was about to answer Hermione's question when he stopped and leaped up and the color drained from his face. "What's wrong Hagrid," "what's the matter?" Me and Harry both asked worried and scared. "Someone was lookin' though the gap in the curtains -- It's a kid -- he's runnin' back ter the school." I was about to get up yet Harry had already bolted up to the door and looked out the door. Malfoy had seen the dragon.

After talking with Hagrid and agreeing with sending Nobert with Ron's brother, Charlie and we all head off back to sleep. The following week dragged on , Ron got bitten by Nobert and had to stay resting in the common room all day and I was talking with Neville and hugged him before he had went to his dorm, and I returned to help Hermione and Harry with sending off Nobert with Charlie's friends on the top of the tower. We were carefully down the spiral staircase, and all of a sudden we stopped since Flinch appeared and caught us and we had remembered we all forgot the cloak on the top of the tower. He took us four including Neville who was out searching for us and Neville was outside till brought in and we were all token to McGonagall and she had a huge fit and Neville was then brought in and he babbled and stuttered and nearly said dragon yet since he was next to me, holding my hand, so I squeezed his hand while Harry shook his head which McGonagall noticed and seemed more likely to breath fire than Nobert as she towered over the four of us. Harry said something and mentioned Neville's name I was a little pale and I felt him squeeze my hand and it soothed me and helped me with my hair before it could possibly change black cause of my fear and scared emotion and me, mione , and harry looked at him when harry had mentioned his name , and after McGonagall's huge fit, we all got each fifty points taken away and we were in the common room, Neville's head on my lap sobbing and I put my hand threw his hair playing with his hair by putting my fingers threw his hair fluffing it and soothing him , and me and harry both knew he was dreading the dawn and we cheered him up and all headed off to sleep.

*Time skip*

Neville's pov


I was at the entrance hall with Samantha who was with me and looked scared a bit so I decided to shyly hold her hand and talk to her while waiting for the trio and Hagrid to come, and the trio came right after our little talk and us four waited for Hagrid to come since flinch was waiting and getting inpatient and Hagrid came and Flinch was now leading us to the very edge of the forest and I was very scared and gulped yet I felt Sam still holding my hand and sent me a reassuring look and squeezed my hand and I sighed and smiled at her yet blushed and turned my head to another direction so she didn't see me blushing and so she didn't figure out that I like her... a lot.

Samantha's pov

I was with Nev and Malfoy and fang taking a path while Hermione, harry and Hagrid took the other. It was very silent and little chilly and I had my robe and held my wand tight and Neville holding my hand not to tight not to soft since he and I got a little scared and we all looked around us as we walked and looked for any unicorns and I jumped when i heard a noise and it was only an owl yet I started to grip my wand hard when I heard someone laugh and looked behind to see Nev shoot red sparks and saw Malfoy laughing at mocking poor Neville and I glared at him and held my wand and I see Hagrid coming and he found us and took us to Hermione and Harry and we switched places , so me and mione stayed with Neville while Harry, Draco and fang went and I held Neville's hand as stayed near Hagrid looking around and I felt calm and alright and smiled a bit while holding Neville's hand and me and Nev both jumped at the sound of a scream that sounded an awful lot like Malfoy and we hurried and went off searching for the three. Malfoy had bolted -- So did fang yet I got him and we see Harry talking with a half human half horse man and we rushed up to him to check him and after a bit of talking with our centaur friend and saying our farewells we three headed back to the common room where Ron was asleep waiting for us and I hugged Neville and said our goodnights and Neville headed off to his dorm and I had returned to the trio and me Hermione , and Harry told Ron what happened at the forest. Harry had sat down in front of the fire, still shaking. Harry had started talking about Snape and Voldemort (a.n.: yeah I said it with no fear in the name haha , back to the story), and how Snape only wanted to become rich and we talked about centaurs and what happened and Ron had said something to harry and we all cracked a tiny smile at Ron when he said something funny about Professor McGonagall yet we were still all scared and worried. Before we finished talking, The sky turned light and after we finished talking , we all headed off to our dorms , tired, our throats sore. But the surprises weren't over yet. I went to sleep the minute I laid my head on my pillow and thought of Nev a bit.

Harry's pov


I pulled the sheets back, and found my invisibility cloak folded neatly underneath my sheets and I saw a note pinned to it : Just in case. I put it where I got it the first time and headed off to sleep still wondering about what happened and about the stone.


Author note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did thank you all my lovely readers for the amazing 427 reads keep it going and keep on voting and commenting and sorry for taking a little long to write this chapter since my wifi was odd for two or three days well that is it one more wonderful chapter till year 1 is over and year 2 begins thanks again my wonderful readers and may the odds ever be in your favor. :) ~ Cami

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