I almost pulled away, until his arms tightened and his hands grasped me. Or more like my butt. He held me to him by having his hands firmly planted on my ass.

Even in his sleep he was a total guy. I rolled my eyes and tried to move again.

"Nooooo," he slurred sleepily and held me back.

My breath hitched when he pulled me farther up. He smiled in his sleep and snored slightly.

"Hey. Hey, wake up," I poked his cheek.

Nathan swatted my hand away with one of his hands before putting it back on my right butt cheek. I huffed and decided to get evil. He never wanted to get up before ten anymore and it was kinda annoying when I was basically glued to him.

"Nathan," I whispered and rolled my hips devilishly.

"Wha?" He muttered but still didn't crack an eye.

One last chance. I tried to pull away just one more time. He quickly yanked me back down and pressed me to him tightly.

"Shhh, sleep....tiredddd," he groaned. More like lazy. 

That's it. I have so much energy from sleeping way too much and I want to get up to start the day. Plus I have to pee.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Okay fine, you asked for this."

I smirked and moved my hips. Nathan stiffened underneath me, still half asleep. He hummed and tightened his grip.

I suppressed a laugh and moved a little faster. A rumble went through his chest and he stirred.

Why does it take so much to wake him up? I need to go pee. Just think how sucky that is. Peeing outside in the winter. Ugh.

"Wake up," I whispered, tracing my finger down to the V cut in his shirt.

He shivered and made a noise that sounded like a growl. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Oh I was so enjoying this. I wiggled in the most seductive way possible, basically grinding against him. He immediately responded, or at least his body did.

He groaned and rolled his head to the side, his hands squeezing.

Wake up damnit, how far do I have to go?

I scowled at him. Wakey wakey you lard ass, I NEED TO PEE.

I slipped my hands under his shirt and ran them up his chest, still grinding against him. I skimmed over his abs and used my nails on his pecs. My hands were probably cold but he was hot under my touch.

"Lyra..." he said my name in a deep voice.

Alright, I'll admit, that was a little sexy.

"Nathan," I whispered in his ear.

He opened his eyes into slits and tried to focus on me, "Mmm."

"Good morning," I said in a sultry voice.

He growled when I rolled my hips a little harder, "Best dream...ever."

"Not a dream," I whispered and held back from laughing my ass off.

His eyes flew open, "Oh my god, what are you doing?!"

"Finally, you're awake. Can you let me go now?" I stopped moving and grinned.

He ignored me, "Why did you do that??"

"You wouldn't wake up and wouldn't let me go so I had to mess with you. Plus I have to pee. And I'm bored," I smirked and rolled my hips.

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