Chapter Thirty Three: All_In_Due_Time

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I, All_In_Due_Time, allow for one time and one time only, for MLB998, maker of the writing game, to copy the content below for the writing game, and the writing game only. She has given me exclusive permission to write this chapter. None other than MLB998 may copy the content below. I also advise not talking another's chapter, as this may cause a problem in the course of people writing chapters. Thank you for your time.

Note: all asterisks have been named ahead of time. The next asterisks are Hailey Chase Autumn and Aiden


stella pov

I woke up to a dead world. My family stood in front of me. As I watched, they used their powers on the people that were left, then on each other. This is my fear. That my family will switch sides and focus on destroying both worlds. Even worse, I know i wouldn't have the heart to stop them. Because there would be only one way to stop them. To kill them.

Leo's pov

I watched my sister fall. As she fell, I felt myself slipping from consciousness. I tried to warn the others. I was too late. I fell too soon.

I woke up to Stella standing in front of me. I knew immediately what would happen. As I watched, Stella became a werewolf and attacked.

covie's pov

I watched as my siblings dropped, one by one. At last, i was the last one standing. Satisfied, the...creature sat and waited.

"What did you do to them?!" I was infuriated. I seriously was contemplating attempting to kill the darn thing.

"Do not worry. They will not be harmed."Wolfy here decided to tell me the classic "yeah, they won't be harmed, yada yada yada." As if that is ever true.

"Why did you not do it to me?"

"Simple. This is not your battle. It never was." Wolfy say down and waited.

I knew there was nothing I could do, but sitting and waiting while my siblings - and Stella and Leo, though I think of them as my siblings - lie on the floor, possibly dead.

I chased Wolfy.

stella pov

My sibling were about to destroy the last bit off life other than each other. But they won't stop there. They will destroy each other until there is no one left to fight one of them off. I know what I have to do.

"Hey guys!" Now all of the attention is on me. "Kill me before you kill each other, please. I don't want to watch you guys die."

They go back to killing each other.

leo's pov

As she attacked I grabbed her legs, pulling her down. I punched her hard enough to knock her out. Then, went in.

covie's pov

I knew that chasing after it was pointless. But if I could just cut a piece of him off, maybe one of the others would wake up. All of a sudden, Glacia got up and tapped Wolfy's tail. The tail disappeared.

"How did you do that?!"

"How come you didn't?" Glacia stated simply.

"Huh?" I was totally confused.

"All you have to do is name the animal and tap it. The tail was from a triceratops."

Well, that seems pretty easy.

But there are many different animals that could be the answer. The talons could be from an eagle or an ostrich! They turned out to be from a dodo bird. As we continued to unleash the animals, our siblings woke up. We told them the situation and they helped out with naming the animals.

At last, there was just the sheep thing left. We tried ram, goat, and llama, but none of them worked. We asked our orbs to help, but they had no idea web's it could be, so it must be something from earth.

Leo had the most earth knowledge, sho we all turned to him.

"Leo," I said. "What is the animal? It's your sister's only hope."

leo pov

"What is the animal, you ask?" I take a random guess. "A buffalo."


those were bree reginald rebbeca and illiana. these are cress damian tamir and demetria


Hello people, my name is _____ ______. If you read my book ways of life, which may have a new cover by the time you read this, I might reveal my real name. Some people are immediately willing to tell you. I am the type to make you earn it, seeing as you must at least like my style of writing to bother wanting to know my name. Thank you!

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