Chapter 18: Seriously?

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I wasn't ready for this. The whole thing has been messed up enough, then London had to go get in the middle of it and screw it up more, like she does everything in my life. All she is, is a spoiled rotten rich daddy's little bitch. Sorry, but that's the harsh reality. It's one thing to hear about her, and another to actually deal with her. If only you understood.


"Good morning," I mumbled, still half asleep. Kaitlyn rants off about Devin, while I pull out things I need for this morning. I slam my locker shut, and face Kaitlyn, yawning in the process.

"Kaitlyn, I love you, but please can it for 5 minutes I can't even hear myself think," I beg. She looks at me with understanding eyes.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later. Bye." I nod my head in response. It was the start of my day and I already wanted to go home. I wiped my tired, makeup free eyes and heading towards homeroom. I went through first and second period, barely paying attention.

Alex kept looking at me. I was so confused. I had a few dirty looks from London, but that was it. She kept looking back and forth, from me to Alex, like she was planning something. By now, everyone in the school knows that he lives with me. They don't know why though, which is great. London would just use it against me. How, I have absolutely no idea, but I know she would find a way.

I had no idea what she was planning, but I didn't want to know. Finally, lunch came around, and I sat with Kaitlyn at our usual spot.

"So, how was your day?" Kaitlyn chirped. Her enthusiasm was almost overbearing for my current mood. Almost. But I love her to death so I just dealt with it.

"Pretty much uneventful, except for London looking between me and Alex the entire period. It looked like she was planning something, like she actually had a brain and was coming up with something to piss me off." I take a bite of my salad, savoring each bite. I haven't had a salad in forever.

Kaitlyn made her thinking face, where she slightly squints her eyes, and bites her lip. Finally, she spoke.

"She did the same thing with me and Jacob this morning. She's planning something deceitful. I feel it in my gut," she agrees. I let out a heavy sigh. One thing is for sure, it isn't going to be pretty.

"She's horrible. I don't even know how to deal with it, either. She won't stop until I die, or at least move to Alaska," I mumble.

"Come on, Hannah. You're just being dramatic, she's just trying to forever haunt your well being and put you in a mental hospital, away from civilization."

Yeah, who's being dramatic now. Not me! Maybe that was a little bit dramatic. Just a little teeny bit.

"Whatever she is trying to accomplish, it's annoying, and petty. It needs to stop, before it gets much worse."

"I feel you. She made me have a severe allergic reaction, so I truly understand."

"She went after you physically, and she's going after me emotionally. I don't know how to stop this." I close my eyes in deep thought. I have no idea how to stop this. Kaitlyn looks at me with understanding eyes and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I think that we don't need to stoop that low again. I think we need to ignore her. Everyone only ever mentions revenge, why can't we just be bigger people?"

"That was so inspirational," I joke. "But as much as I want her to suffer, I'll be the bigger person," I mutter. Buzz kill. "And it'll kill me, but I'll be nice."

"Good." She laughs. "We can do this, we are more awesome!"

"You're damn right we are!" I slam my fist down on the table, and cheer. Of course we got dirty looks, but that's okay. I tuck my hair behind my ears, and take another bite of my salad.

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