Chapter 6: Detention and Date

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I wake up Saturday morning on the wrong side of the bed. To add to the fact I didn't sleep well, I have a Saturday detention for being 5 minutes late. Just great.

I crawl out of bed at 7 in the morning. On a Saturday, not my ideal time. I drag myself to the bathroom, and wash my face. I stare at my reflection. I look pretty bad, my lack of sleep clearly visible. I took a shower last night, so I didn't need to take one this morning. My hair is at its natural state, so it's wavy and frizzy. I brush it, and run my straightener through it.

To make myself look presentable, I put on some makeup. I don't want to look like a zombie. I open my closet, and decide on a pair of fall leggings and a tight white long sleeve t-shirt. I put on a tan scarf, and my tan boots. I grab my backpack and purse, and head out to the kitchen. I say bye to my dad, grab an apple, and I'm out the door, hopping up into my truck. I toss my stuff to the passenger side, take a bite of my apple, and start my truck, the engine roaring to life.

I back out of the driveway, and start the unwanted journey to school.

I arrive 10 minutes later. The school looks eerily empty. I know it's a Saturday, but it still looks creepy, being so empty. I walk into the school, and walk to the library, where detention is held. Right away, I know something will go wrong.

London is here.

I completely forgot she also had 3 Saturday detentions, along with a 3 day suspension. And of course, she's wearing an outfit that makes me blush. She's wearing an extremely short and tight leather skirt, with a belt, and a skin tight white tank top, with an extremely low cut v neck. Her boobs are spilling out of it. To put it in perspective, she looks like a cheap hooker.

She's just sitting down, sucking the face off of a freshman. Seriously? She is so desperate, that she's going for freshman. She's a senior, going for freshman. That freshman is about to lose his virginity to the school slut. Poor kid.

I sit at an empty table, and pull out my homework. I start working on it, when there's a bright flash in my face. Someone just took a picture of me. I look around. That slutty little bitch.

London just took a picture of me.

Why, you ask? Probably to post it around school to make my life a living hell. Ha. Too bad I don't care about my social status. Poor, stupid little London. This is probably her way of getting me back. I really don't know how she thinks it'll work. I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

I live through detention until around 3:30 PM. Once it's over, I grab my stuff and bolt out of the library. I was done watching London kiss and grope the freshman guys in detention. It was really hard to watch. London is a piece of work. A slutty, bitchy, stupid little piece of work.

Now that detention is over, I can go home and wait for Jacob to pick me up at 5 PM. I climb into my truck, buckling my seatbelt and starting it. The engine roars to life, and I drive back to my house. While I was driving, my phone rang. I hate to answer my phone while driving, but it was Kaitlyn. I know that if I don't answer, she'll go crazy. I press the answer button and press the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, what are you doing after you date tonight?" She asks.

"Nothing much, just sleeping, I won't get home until late."

"Can I come over after your date? I'll stay the night." I roll my eyes playfully, even though she can't see me.


"And you'll tell me everything."


"Good, see you tonight! Bye girl!"

This is What Happens (Formerly Hot Girl Meet Nerdy Boy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz