Chapter 4: Sugar Honey Iced Tea

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"Hey cutie. What's shakin'?" Jock language. Cheesy line, not original. But hey, I never said it was a bad thing. Well, maybe it is. Well hell, I don't know.

"Hey Jacob, just coming to my next class."

"What about you, and me, this Friday night?" And go on a date with a player? I guess there really isn't any harm in saying no. I just have to remember my morals, which is simple. Wait, crap I have to start the project with Alex. Dammit! Looks like little miss Hannah is little miss screwed. Wow, I didn't mean for it to sound like that. Good job, Hannah.

"Oh, well I can't on Friday. I have to start the new art project with my partner. I'm sorry." I hated getting those words off my tongue.

"It's no problem, who are you partnered with?"

"Alex Flynn." I say with distaste. I don't want to be partnered with Alex. I hate him, and he hates me. At least the feeling is mutual.

"Ah, that sucks. I could always come by late at night when he leaves." He says jokingly with a wink. I roll my eyes, cock my hip, and cross my arms. Of course he would say something like that. I should of been expecting it.

"Oh really now?" I reply jokingly.

"Yes, really. Late at night sounds amazing." Ha, as if.

"Well, I don't think my dad would appreciate that." Nope. He wouldn't. He would end up castrating him.

"Awww man!" He whined.

I pat the top of his head. "It's okay, go find a cheerleader to bang instead." I said with a smirk. He grinned, then smirked.

"I will."



"Just not yet. So, what about that date Saturday instead? We can go to that carnival."

"Actually, that sounds pretty good."

"Cool. I will pick you up around noon, it will give us plenty of time for our date" He says.

"Great, see you then." Yes! It will be pretty awesome. The carnival is always fun. The carnival in our town is there year round. It's the best when it starts getting cold.

He then walks to the left of the classroom, finding a cheerleader to flirt up and lead into his bed. I see him playing with her hair, probably complimenting everything about her he could find. That's Kathryn Thomas. I bet he'll have her in bed by tomorrow night. Maybe even tonight. Nobody knows anymore.

I'm not going to lie, I know it was only a date, but for some reason, it kind of hurt seeing him talk to another girl like that. 

I find my seat in the back right corner, and pull out my science stuff.

The entire day zooms by. Lunch comes, I eat with Kaitlyn, then I go through the rest of my classes. By the way, I figured out that Alex is also in my gym class. Great.

Before I know it, the bell signaling the end of the day rings. I meet Kaitlin by the front doors of the school.

"Hey girl." She says.

"Hey, I have something to tell you. It's, interesting..." I say. I get a squeal in reply.

"What what what!! Tell me girl!"

"Jacob Masters asked me out, and I said yes. Oh, and he kissed my cheek the other day." Nice, Hannah. Not telling your best friend that he kissed you sooner. You are really in for it now. The look on her face, is indescribable. It isn't angry, or anything like that. Just like, denial, shock, disbelief, I'm sure you get it.

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