When we got there everyone was waiting for us. As soon as Dylan laid eyes on Holly he ran over and gave her a huge hug asking how her day was and everything. Our eyes met as he looked over Holly’s head and I gave him a warning glare which he returned with a triumphant smirk. I was just about to say something to him, but then Holly broke their hug and got inside the car. Me and Dylan glared at each other for another few seconds, but then got in the car ourselves.

I swear Dylan’s going to step out of line one day and I’m going to be there waiting to give him his punishment.


(Holly’s P.O.V)

Sitting in the car I watch Deven and Dylan get into an immature glaring match. I don’t know what their problems are with each other so they shou,d just calm down and stop acting like hopmonal teens, even though Th!t’s what they are. They finally got into the car and both got on each side of me as Matt pulled out of the paRking lot. Emma started droning on in her girly tone about all the latest gossip that I missed And who goes out with who, generally stuFf I don’t care about but the sound of Emma babble was comfOrting so I didn’t interrupt.

As soon as we got to my hguse anD got out of the car she grabbed my arm and dragged me up to me room yelling over her shoulder, “Sorry boy, but we gotta have some girl time!” Girl time? Oh god I can only imagine all the questions she’s going to ask.

Once we got to my room I jumper into my bed then laid down trying to take up all the space, but Emma just plopped down into my back and started talking, “Ok well first we’ll start off with an easy question…” se trailed off as I groaned and pulled a pillow over my head, “Oh don’t act like that Holly you knew this time would come so we might as well get it over with now” she scolded then continued with her questions, she asked me a few unimportant questions before she asked the one I’d been fearing, “Sooooooo, what on the go with you and Deven? He seems nice and he is, of course, sexy as hell.”

I had to think about this answer for a little while before I answered her because honestly, I have no clue what going on between us, ‘cause I mean ya I like him, a lot, but I have more baggage then an airplane and Deven shouldn’t have to deal with a broken girl like me when he could have anyone he wanted. So I just went with a simple answer, “Theres nothing going on between us” because there really isn’t, “hes just someone who saved my life and will be forever in dept to.”

Emma just looked at me for a second before she spit out, “Bullshit.” And then in a kinder tone, “I’ve seen the way he looks at you and the way you look at him, if there isn’t anything going on yet there will be because you definitely both like each other.”

“Well I like him, but there isn’t anything going on between us and I doubt there ever will be.”

“Why would you say that?”

I took an exasperated sigh and then went into full on rant mode, “Because he shouldn’t have to deal with a girl like me. I’m a girl that barely lets anyone touch her and he’s a guy that has his whole life ahead of him. He’s better off without me and could do so much better then me. I don’t want to be the one responsible for holding him back. I’m broken and Deven shouldn’t have to go through the complicated task of putting me back together.” When I ended my rant Emma looked at me with such pitty in her eyes that I couldn’t help bawling like a baby.

Emma immediately put her arms around me and cried and complained to my best friend about just how horrible my life is and how everything that happened to me is imprinted on my memory forever.

“I don’t  know exactally what happened to you during that time, and im not pressuring you to tell me, but if you ever need someone to talk to about it or a shoulder to cry on, im always here for you?” Emma said sincerely.

Her words made me cry ever harder because of how kind she was, but I still managed a thank you between the sobs. I don’t know how I ever got to have a friend as good as her, I’m not sure I even deserve someone this nice.


(Emma’s P.O.V)

I looked at the sobbing mess on my lap also known as my best friend and I wondered not for the first time what had really happened while she was gone. They told us she got kidnapped, but hadn’t gone into anymore detail then that, but from the state that Holly was in right now I could tell that some pretty scary stuff had happened to her.

Emotions were running high through me, but the main ones were sympathy, anger and curiosity. Sympathy for the girl on my lap and the undeniably horrible things she had to suffer through. Anger at whoever hurt this girl so much that she changed from a slightly paranoid girl to the sobbing mass in front of me. Finally curiosity at what really happened during those months.

All I know is that if I ever got my hands on the person who did this to my best friend he’ll be a very sorry man.


Hey guys!

I don’t know if this is gonna be a late upload or not because I’m not sure when I’m going to get to the internet next or not but hopefully it will be on time.

How did you like Deven’s P.O.V? What about Holly? Do you guys like it when I switch P.O.V’s or would you rather I stick to Holly only?

Anyway please Vote\Fan\Comment!! Tell me your input!

<3 Alexis815

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