Chapter XVII: Backup

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I'd like to use this author note to thank the readers who've taken interest to read this far. It's people like you that we continue to write for.

This chapter is written by Hana, but in the perspective of Maheen. If you enjoyed this chapter, please please please hit that vote button and tell us what you're thinking! We love to read comments.

The way back home was quite awkward. Hana's hand was tightly holding on to Rami's, and Maheen could see the look of a child that was just scolded for doing something wrong.

Was this a good time to tell Hana what Dean had said? Well, more specifically, what his "secretary" typed to her. He's probably too old to even know how to hold a phone. Maheen snickered.

But they were nearing the end of the road: the elevator carrying them up to Maheen's room. She could have been any other Downworlder, really, and fate choose for her to be a vampire. Just because of that, she could not join her friends at the Institute.

Mason and Max moved away as they neared the level that a few Downworlders (and previously, a Shadowhunter) had been housed at, thanks to Max. She looked at Hana discretely to assess her condition. Despite the massive tangle her mind must have been in, Maheen knew she would be able to process her words in a little talk. She knew this because of the years at the high school; Hana always looked the way she did at that moment, and yet she still managed to keep her cool and be a good student. She participated in class and everything. Maheen couldn't believe they could just leave all of that behind and not flinch.

She turned back to the doors and pursed her lips. Well, they were different. They never really fit in, anyway. She supposed it was just a shot at trying a normal life.

The elevator came to a stop with a ding. Its doors slid open. Maheen stepped out and made a dramatic stop right as her foot landed on carpet.

"Agh, I just forgot. Hana, I needed to give you something." Maheen turned on her heel to peer at her.

She seemed to have gotten the message because she let go of Rami's hand, reluctantly, and nodded. "I'll catch up with you later," she said to the boys in the elevator and fell into step with Maheen.

"Um, okay. Call me, Maheen?" Mason called after them, but the doors closed before he could say anything else.

The two girls did not say a word to each other until Maheen opened the door to her room and locked it behind them.

"What's this about?" Hana asked but did not turn to look at Maheen. She was looking at the room; Maheen could tell. This fancy hotel never let anyone down. The walls were not covered with wallpaper, no; they clearly looked hand-painted, with a dark grey base and aesthetic designs combining all kinds of shapes to make it look so elegant. The baseboard was golden and etched with beautiful, intricate designs. The room was accessorized with a few lamps and a small yet beautiful chandelier serving as the main light source. But it was the bed that always got Maheen when she walked in. It seemed like the bed of a queen; the back of the bed was golden like the baseboard and had an even more intricate design. It was cushioned with burgundy pillows, and the bed covers were soft, white silks. The hotel's logo laid in the middle of the bed.

"Wow," Hana said after she saw all of this.

Maheen smiled. "Max never settles for less."

Her Shadowhunter friend nodded her head. "No, I suppose he doesn't." Hana suddenly seemed to remember why she was there, or actually, why Maheen wanted her there. "So, again, what am I here for?"

"He said he wants me there alone," Maheen sat on the edge of the bed. Its softness was too much to handle.

"No way are you going there alone," Hana shot back almost immediately. She crossed her arms and stood in front of Maheen.

"I know," Maheen replied, exasperated. "That's why I couldn't tell you with Mason there. He didn't even want me to go in the first place. He's over-protective like that." And he was really getting too protective over her recently. Did he think she could not handle it?

Hana scoffed. "It's not being over-protective, it's called caring." The sudden advice sparked attention in Maheen. No offense to Hana, but with her experience, relationships were not her strong suit.

"Yeah, I know. 'How is she supposed to know? All she trusts is her little cousin.' But I'm not that dumb to not recognize someone's emotions. And we're not even here to talk about that. What do you have in mind?"

What Hana just said kind of shook Maheen up a little. Someone's emotions? Mason's emotions? Was he developing feelings for her? But it was always a platonic relationship, a brother-sister kind of thing. Maheen did feel differently towards him, but what were the chances of him feeling the same way?

It didn't matter right now. They were on an important mission and romance should not be on her mind.

"Is there a way you could have my back without Dean finding out you were there?"

Hana looked hesitant. "You're asking me to hide from a vampire. You should know yourself how difficult that is. He could smell me from a mile away."

"But you have your Shadowhunter runes!" Maheen back-fired. "You made a car vanish. I'm not excited about meeting Dean. He can be unpredictable, and I learned that the hard way."

Hana sighed and leaned on the wall behind her. "Okay. But if he's as unpredictable as you make him seem, don't you think you need more than one person for backup?"

The two met gazes, Maheen's eyebrow raised up. "I think that one person is pretty good backup, and you can't disagree."

Hana smiled and shook her head. "Whatever you say, Irefin."   

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