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I'm really sorry about not updating as much as I normally do. This story has gone somewhere I didn't want it to go. I'm having a hard time coming up with chapters without them being really short or complete clichés.

So until further notice, this story will be on hiatus. I hate to do this. I will not be giving up on this story like I did with a couple of my other stories.

I've been working something for the last few days. I'll start posting chapters to it when it's finished. I'm really excited for you guys to read it.

But yeah. I am really sorry for not updating this story as much anymore. Just remember that I haven't forgotten about this story and I know that you guys really want more.

I will post a chapter as soon as I think of a good plot for one.

There's also contributing factors to me not updating too much anymore as well.

Since the new semester began, I had to buckle down and get my shit together. I'm a junior in high school, so I'm rushing around to get everything I need for next year together, such as credits and stuff of that nature. So that I have a not-too-difficult final year of high school.

Since none of my credits from my sophomore year counted, and I'm missing a class from freshman year, I've been doing after school credit recovery so that I can graduate on time.

I only have seven credits and I need 26 to graduate. So I'm a long ways behind.

This after school thing is until 5:30pm and I still have homework to do when I get home. Plus, I have to work on it in my free time. So, updating this story is almost the least of my worries.

I promise, I'll eventually get a normal update schedule again.

I'm rambling now, so I'll just go.

But yeah, keep your eye out for a new story I've been working on in my free time. But also keep your eye out for a chapter to this story.

I'm sorry about this, but I figured I'd make a PSA so that you guys don't think I'm just giving up and abandoning this story.


I Am The Lie That Keeps You DivineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora