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Mandy's POV

A few weeks later

Sorry about all the time skips


It's been nearly a month since Zeke and I got back together. We're back to normal.
I don't feel very much with being with him anymore. I feel bad. I still feel guilty for sleeping with Ryan when Zeke and I were on break.

Speaking of which. I haven't had a period since before my dad's wedding.

Fuck. I haven't had a period since before my dad's wedding.

That was in October. Now it's December. Fuck Ryan.

Calm down Amanda, Elizabeth has been with enough guys to have had this problem quite a bit. Maybe she'll know what to do.

"Elizabeth? Can I ask you a question?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You already did" she snapped.

"Please Elizabeth" I begged.

"What" she said, her bad attitude was evident in her voice.

"Okay, I haven't had a period since the beginning of October-" I said before she cut me off.

"Ew. I didn't need to know that" she said.

"Would you let me finish?!" I asked.

"Ugh. Fine." She said.

"It's December and I still haven't had a period" I said.

"I have two pregnancy tests. Take them both." She said, digging two boxes out of her top dresser drawer and handing them to me.

"Two blue lines for positive, one pink line for negative, results take about ten minutes to come up" she said.

"Thanks" I said.

"It's whatever" she said.

I went into our bathroom to take the test.


I took the tests. I'm making Elizabeth tell me the results because I'm scared.

I wrapped put the caps on the ends of the tests and wrapped them in paper towels, not taking one glance at the results.

I walked out of the bathroom and back out to the bedroom/living room/dining room.

"What are the results?" Elizabeth asked.

"I don't know. I'm too scared to look" I said.

"Ugh. Give it here you big baby" she said. I handed them to her. She unwrapped them and looked at them, scrunching her eyebrows.

"One's positive and one's negative. I think you should uh... See a doctor about that... Issue..." She said.

"What am I gonna do?! What if I am pregnant?!" I said, pacing the small room.

"Calm down. I'm sure Zeke would be more than happy to have a baby with you" she said.

"It's not that" I said.

"Then what?" She asked. I sighed.

"While I was gone, Zeke and I broke up. And in that break, I started hanging out with my ex and... we hooked up..." I said shamefully.

"Jesus... You were really quick to get on his dick" she said.

"I can't have a child with my ex. I wasn't even supposed to be dating him in the first place. My dad is gonna kill me" I said, on the verge of tears.

"Calm the fuck down Amanda. You don't even know if you're pregnant. Don't go jumping to conclusions. Just wait until you see a doctor" she said.

"O-okay" I said.

"Now go call or text that ex of yours and tell him that you might be pregnant." She said.

I sighed and went outside.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pulled up my contacts and tapped on Ryan's name and pressed the phone in the corner that meant 'call'.

He picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Ryan..." I said.

"You haven't talked to me in like a month and you're just calling me out of the blue. What do you want?" He said. Ouch.

"There's something I need to tell you" I told him.

"What?" He asked.

"I might be pregnant" I said. He remained silent for a few moments.

"Ryan? You still there?" I asked.

"Yeah. And might be? You either are or you're not" he said.

"I took two tests. One was positive and one was negative." I said.

"It's probably Zeke's" he said.

"Zeke and I haven't had sex since like September. The last time I had a period was the beginning of October." I said.

"You're probably lying. Since you know... You lied about not taking Zeke back and you're back with him" he spat.

"I'm not lying! And how would you know if I'm back with Zeke?!" I snapped.

"I have Instagram too Amanda! I've seen the shit you've posted about him!" He said.

"Okay. Yes. I am back with him. He apologized to me and said he'll trust me and let me talk to whoever I want" I said.

"Oh so your lousy, piece of shit boy toy makes a deal with you and you take him back? After you said you're not wasting anymore time on him?" He asked. I was able to tell by his voice that he was pissed.

"Why are you so pissed Ryan?! It's not like we could've been together! You know what happened last time!" I shouted into the phone.

"You know exactly why I'm pissed. Bye." He said before hanging up.

I should've just kept my mouth just about the pregnancy thing. I shouldn't have gotten back with Zeke. And I shouldn't have slept with Ryan.

I'm just a giant fuck up right now...

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