Chapter Fourteen: "Why don't you wanna hang with Farty-butt?"

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Chapter 14: "Why don't you wanna hang with Farty-butt?"


A/N: Warning: There are some curse words in this chapter, read at your own risk. :)

 "Just because you don't have a prince, doesn't mean you're not a princess"


I'm now standing outside my house, Gavin by my side as my doubts are getting higher and higher. What if it wasn't my sister? But who else would do it? Besides, I know my mom would do it but she's not here, she'll be back with dad in four days.

I inserted my key into the door knob and when I opened the door, something horrifying appeared before my eyes. My jaw is hanging open and I could see Gavin do the same at the corner of my eye. Eleanor making out with..




They turned to us when they noticed mine and Gavin's presence

"Savannah.." Andrew trailed off

I stiffened at the sound of my name

"How could you?" with that said I ran straight to my room, I locked the door and fell on the floor

How could they do this? Andrew's my friend, how could he keep this from me? Eleanor's my sister, why didn't she tell me?

"Savannah!" Gavin shouted from outside my room, he was banging on my door

"Stay away!" I grunted and banged the door as hard as he did

"Just let me in. I could help you, like the old days" He replied and gave a light chuckle

"How could you be happy in a situation like this?" I shouted, I'm sure Eleanor would be hearing all of this but I don't give a damn anymore. It's her fault.

"I'm not! Well-come on! Please, Savannah. I could help you, no one knows you better than I do" He said sounding desperate. He's right, nobody knows me better. Not even Laura or Monica, not even my mom. He's the only person I feel comfortable with, how could he make me feel so weak and helpless? But no, I've got to make this harder for him

"I don't want somebody to talk to me right now!" I shouted back

"Please, Savannah. Open the door" He pleaded

"Piss off, Gavin." I grunted as I curled up like a ball cried harder

"Savannah, I know you. You say you don't want anybody with you in there right now but the truth is that you need someone. You need someone who could listen to you and someone you could open up to. Please, Savannah." 

"You promise you won't laugh at me?" I said sounding like a five year old "I look like a mess"

"I won't. I promise"

I opened the door and immediately, Gavin leaped and gave me a warm embrace. I wasn't sure if I would hug him back but I did, and somehow being in his embrace wasn't so bad.

"Shh, don't worry. Everything's gonna be alright" He cooed stroking my hair while his other hand went to the small of my back

"I don't understand" I said trying not to sob

"I'm sure they don't really mean not saying that to you. Maybe they're just trying to protect you or something" his tone was like something what my dad would use

"Protect me from what? From a disease called I'm-dating-your-sister-but-you-don't-have-to-know ?" I asked trying to enlighten the mood

"Ha-ha, now I'll leave this decision to you. Do you want to go there and talk it out or stay here with this sex god in front of you?" he cockily asked which earned him a glare from me

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