We were in the midst of watching The Notebook and eating 6 tubs of ice cream.

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Hi guys so I hope you like chapter two, please comment and I will try to get the next chapter soon. The picture is my ideal casting for Emma as Holland Roden. For all you TW fans out there 

I sat on the couch watching Dance Moms. My hair was in a messy bun, and I wore an oversized sweatshirt. Diet Dr. Peppers littered my floor, along with movie disks. It was a Saturday afterall. Don't expect me to look like a prom queen. Who am I Miss America? A slight buzz took my attention away from the T.V and I picked up my phone. Who dare disturb me from my afternoon of gaining ten pounds and watching T.V until my eyes bleed.

Max: Are you excited for tomorrow?

Max had texted me 10 times, oops. I guess I was too mesmerized by the screen to bother checking my phone. He was the one person who could text me whenever and I wouldn't get mad.

Me: Idk

I didn't want to be rude or anything, but I wasn't overjoyed about the Streamys. I'd been once before, and things were different back then. It was fun, but it was also the first one ever so everything wasn't perfect.

Max: Well I hope you get more excited.

I smiled Max always got so hyped for everything, whether it was a football game or Mcdonalds new menu. It was one of the things I loved about him.

Max: I'll take you to The Cheesecake Factory afterwards.
He always knew what I wanted, cheesecake was my weakness.

Me: Okay now I guess i'm excited, as long as you buy me cake.

Max: Deal

It doesn't hurt having the most perfect boyfriend on days like this. He always knows what to say and when to say it.

Me:Okay now go away i'm in the middle of an episode of DM.

Max: U gotta be kidding me can't u watch it later?
I wish he was here so he could see me roll my eyes.

Me: I said go! this is the one where Abby yells at the kids

Max: Isn't that every1?

Okay maybe this show isn't the most original, or clever show. But it was entertaining and I don't get why he can't just shut up.

Me: I'm turning my phone off.

Just as I was holding down the button I got another text, uh why couldn't he just leave me alone?


Oh, well that was not what I was expecting from a guy who I essentially told to shut the fuck up.
Me: ILY 2, now bye.

I turned off my phone without hesitation and stuffed it beside me into the couch. I sort of felt guilty, but I mean it's the weekend I am not in the mood to play perfect girlfriend.

I buried myself deeper into my fuzzy blanket and felt the stray hair draped across my forehead, I probably looked like a trainwreck.

Just as I was getting comfortable someone rang the doorbell.
It was probably just the mailman so I ignored it and just turned the volume up. I don't remember ordering anything, but knowing me I probably did. Don't judge. Just as I got comfortable another ring caught my ear, who would bother me on a Saturday afternoon? I knew one thing, it wasn't the mail man.

Then the doorbell just kept ringing, over and over. It was even drowning out Abbeys screams. I knew this person wouldn't stop until I got up, but I was too comfy. More rings. FINE.

I sat up with all my strength and was surprised to find that one of my feet was asleep. Just great. Standing up was a struggle all in its own. I finally found my balance and made the long journey to the front door. I didn't have and windows or one of those peephole thingies you see in the movies so for all I knew there was a psychopath outside my door. Yet I still opened it. The L.A sun blinded me as I felt the heat rush in. As my eyes readjusted a high pitched screech filled my ears. I saw a streak of red hair and in an instant I knew who it was.

I ran to her and crushed her into a hug. Emma was my high school best friend, and gossip queen.I felt her tense, I think I hugged her a little too hard. I reluctantly released her and took a step back to take it all in.

She looked as beautiful as ever with her red hair hanging over her shoulders with soft waves, and her green eyes shining. Even her outfit was incredible. She had tight skinny jeans, from Abercrombie and Fitch, plus a white designer tank top. I didn't even know they made designer tank tops. She kind of made me feel guilty about my grey sweatpants and matching sweatshirt.

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