Chapter 1: Algebra makes me Horny

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I finally had got this stupid camera working, after an hour of frustration and cursing at the inanimate object it decided to turn on. I may be an all A student, but when it comes to technology I'm clueless. Dad had gotten me this cam thingy for my birthday, I guess that's one of the perks of having divorced parents, it was always a contest on who could pick the best gift. So far mom had won since the cam had NOT come with any instructions. y.Now the cam sat on my computer with its light blinking green. I hastily pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail and straightened out my old T­shirt, it was a Saturday don't expect me to be wearing freakin Chimmy Choo flip flops. I looked at the camera and felt the nerves catch up to me. J ust breath, I told myself over and over as I tried to muster up something, anything to say. It was just a camera afterall, no one could see me. Well except the guy behind me who was trying to hold in his laughter, and might I add was very bad at it. He was very distracting and it took everything I had not to strangle him.

"Um," I racked my brain, would do I say. After a lifetime of freaking out I finally mustered up something, "Hi?"right as I said it he started laughing hysterically. I felt my face turn red and now I was planning his funeral. The light on my webcam went blank, and I sat there looking like an idiot.

"What the fuck, Jake?" I took off my all too perfect smile and picked myself off of my bed. He just kept laughing like the brat he was.

"Now I have to do that all over again!" I couldn't help the thin grin that came across my lips as he just looked at me with his huge eyes. I tried to hide it.

"Come on, just let me help," he took a step towards me, but I pushed him away. No, I said I would do this on my own," I crossed my arms over my chest feeling frustration build up inside of me.

"I've done this before Grace," he ran his hand through his dark hair, "Remember?"

"Yeah sure, a couple of videos with Danny in your basement really makes you an expert," he rolled his eyes.

"And a successful website," now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Yeah of course, I bet everyone just would die to meet you since you're so famous," I shoved him farther away from me.

"It's true, you see the girls swoon as I walk by," I almost gagged.

"You're so delusional," he crossed his arms over his chest trying to fake his pain.

"Naw, you're just blinded by my epically amazing hotness," I was starting to run out of
placed to push him into.

"You are totally right, how could you be so smart? I am just sooooo in love with you," he
ran his hand through his dark bangs and I looked away from his face, was it too hard for him to get a freakin hair cut.

"What's wrong now sweety?" he cooed in a deep voice.

"Oh, just that shitty haircut you got going on," he stumbled back, and I know I hit him where it hurt. He took a couple of seconds to get himself together.

"Don't lie you're jealous," jake ran his fingers through his hair once more to make a point.

"I can't say that I am over the moon for a haircut that you can barely see out of, you look like a freakin cyclops," I turned away from him to keep myself from cringing.

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