When i thought my life is sorted.

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Chapter 7-
Common Alice, just this last round.
I told myself as I ran for the 5 th time around the park.
Just. This. Last. Round!
And there I was, huffing and puffing, mentally smiling as I was completely successful with completing 5 miles.
I wonder if there would be any such awards which say-
" Best 5 mile runner" but, I know that is just a stupid Idea.
After stretching a bit, and comforting myself that no muscle cramps had taken place in my body, I started walking towards my car which had my water bottle.

" woah somebody is working out!!" I heard a familiar voice and turned around facing him.
Yes. HIM.
Get the reference on your own.
" hi" i say as he smiles down and then his eyes wary to my legs till all the way above.
Did he just check me out?
My cheeks feel hot suddenly.
Really? Are you going to play all volcano on me?
He dint speak for a while, and from a while I mean 45 seconds.
So i thought its my Que. to say something.
" what are you doing here?" I asked unsurely.
" I am here to run behind the rabbit which just entered a tiny hole somewhere. He was white and had a watch in his hand" he said sarcastically.
I glare at him. So much for making a conversation?
Give me a break!
" nice to know that you like fairytales" i said mockingly and turned around walking away.
Mission - CAR.
" Alice! Wait up!" He yelled catching up with me.
Ugh! Not again.
" I...er...ummm I came here because, because I know you always come here" he says and I stop immediately.
" you what?!?!" I shout.
He dint answer and kept looking at the ground.
I huffed.
" I dint know you were a stalker as well" i say harshly and start walking away.
" maybe you dont know, that I can accuse you of the same fact"
I was going to ask what he meant by that, but I had already reached my car and sat inside.
I looked outside for just a second. There he was with his hand behind his neck, his hair muffled up, and his eyes boring into mine.
Then he did something.
He pointed a finger at Aunt Lucy's home and then tilted both his hand's fingertips till they made a triangle.
I started my ignition and drove as fast as I could.

I am not sure, but did he just say that Aunt Lucy's home was his home?!
Oh Austin! So much for the little talk.
As I entered school today, I got the surprise of my life.
As per the council, our time- tables were getting rescheduled.
Half of my year I spend my time learning up all my classes. And when I already have everything in place, the school changes its time table.
Woe to the hands which shed this costly piece of information from my head.
I mean really? Is anybody ever in my favour?
Seated for my first class, physics, I kept wandering around. The teacher spoke about the chapter which he was going to start, and I clearly remember finishing it weeks ago.
Things got boring. Extremely boring.
As my eyes drifted to the seat right next to mine, I was NOT shocked.
Austin was looking right at me with a distinct expression.
Our eyes met for less than a second when he shifted his gaze from me to somebody behind me.
I turn around.
Molly Wallow. School's A class bitch and the most experienced girl from putting on make-up to getting laid by boys.
Great. Nice seat Alice. Nice seat.

" ummm Alice?" The teacher calls out suddenly.
" yeah" i say and stand.
Please save me Mr. Jordon. Please save me!
" can you tell the class what motor is this "
Motor? MOTOR? I wish somebody drops a METIOR on him.

" an AC motor , sir" i say confidently.
He smiles letting me know that I was right as always.
I took my seat, rather again.
No. No one for my saviour today.
I glance towards Austin and he mouths
" its the DC motor. " he says.
What? No way.
Just to check I glance at the diagram on the board.
The switch was on the negative in fluxed wire.
Great. He was correct.
He proved the teacher wrong, that too without bringing it to his notice.

" you are annoying. Please go away" I tell him as we walk out of the class.
" you made the deal" he reminded me.
" screw the bloody deal. It has not been 3 days and you are on my head!!!" I hiss.
" is that supposed to be a good thing? Or a bad thing?" He says smirkingly.
I open my mouth. But then close it.
" disgusting" I say harshly and walk away.

As you knowit, Austing never left me alone. And from never i do mean NEVER. And this is quite strangely strange that he can be less annoying than he actually is if he tries , but he would stay annoying always.
As i placed myself between Johanna and Austin in the cafeteria for the first time, both Beckett and Ronny had mouth dropped expressions on their faces.
" guys. Calm it. He is here only for 2 weeks" i say making them comfortable.
"You are Austin right? Austin Wellmark?" Johanna spits.
Austin's response was in a grunt.
" arent you grown up?" Johanna continuos.
While Austin keeps ignoring her.
" why are you here anyways? Dint your dad-" i couldn't hear what she said next as Austin from beside me shot daggers at Johanna which definitely made her shut up.
" my Dad?" Austin grumbles.
And continuos. " what about your MOM? Huh?"
Things. Were getting confusing. All this while Beckett and Ronny looked back and forth dumbfounded.
Johanna got angry. She clenched her fists and got up without eating any of her fries. And stomped out of the cafeteria.

Austin Wallmark was in a way, my best friend's brother.
Johanna Bond's brother.
Johanna's mother's step son.
Aunt Lucy, Johanna's mom's step son.

Things were falling in place. Slowly.

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