Too much to handle.

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Chapter 4

As i pull up in my school's parking lot, all i think about is my plan.
The first thing i do is rush to my locker and grab my American History books.
Yesterday night Robby somehow got to know that Austin is mostly in the classes i am.
A) because he is very intelligent ( as i have got to know) and
B) it can be possible that he might be stalking me. ( which might not be possible also )

As i shuffle inside the class, I sigh. My plan is on its mark as i am way to early to class.
Their is no one inside and i mentally thank god for being in my favour.
As i place myself somewhere in the middle of the class, i keep thinking about how to not be clumsy, and say everything clear and straight.
My plan isn't even a plan. because neither do I belong to MI5 nor am I capable of going on secret joint missions.
It is a very small scene which i am trying to create.
Which i would like to explain in just a single word-
Yes, you heard it right.
I don't easily get humiliated, but for a guy like Austin, I bet his ego is larger than his - you know what!

Anyway, so people finally have started to shuffle inside the class.
As I pull out a random page in the book, which I have read a million times now. Exaggeration. But you know what i mean.

And as I turn the page, my eyes wary to the door, and võla! There he is.
From the corner of my eye, i look as he scans the whole room and his eyes land on me.
I swear i saw a ghost of a smirk planted on his lips.
He walks over.
" hey!" He says expecting for a reply.
"Hello ?" He says again, and i ignore him.
" you know its quite funny when you keep ignoring a person who just talked to you yesterday"
I wanted to say back -
That is not even called talking , just in case he thought so.
But , i was going according to " the plan".
He hovered over me and started talking.
" you look so weird. What are you wearing? Who even wears khaki shorts anymore?you know what? I think you should really go to a proper dresser and get your hair done or something-"
Well this was it.
" NO AUSTIN! I DO NOT WANT TO KISS YOU!" I shout loudly enough for the whole class to hear. Good job!
Many heads bob towards our direction, and people start giggling from all sides. I just hold back my laughter.
While Austin? He doesn't go red. He doesn't even get embarrassed.
He smirks and says.
I shudder.
He did not!
He smirks and sits right behind me as people giggle and look in my direction.
Great! You know me now, so move on!
The class moves on and all i could do is stare at my notes and let my blood boil.
How could he?
The worst part was he came with such a good comeback, so damn quickly!

I glance at the watch. Its just 10 minutes and then i would rush out of the class.
Just then,I feel a tap on my shoulders.
I look back and Austin is smirking at me with a mocking expression.
He hands me a note.

Nice try! Maybe next time you could come up with something better!

Ps- i never thought about kissing you. Thanks for dropping in the Idea.

I. Go. Red.
and from going red I do mean tomato red.
On one side he was saying all mean things to me, and on the other? He is flirting with me, without any shame!

But i have to admit,
It touches my heart. Just a tiny whiny meeny creeny little bit.
It does. And i don't know if its bad or good.

As i get up from american history after dumping my books inside my back pack, i feel a close presence behind me.
Fine. I'll do this the hard way.
As we step into the corridor, i immediately turn around.
And he is standing there.
Looking down at me.
" what do you want?!" I ask him.
" me? Nothing." He says with a shrug.
" please. You started this end this on your own!" I shout.
" woah woah. Calm down tiger!" He says.
And then continues.
" actually. You,have started this" he says and i frown.
I have started this? Me? How could he?!
" Care to explain how? And when? Cuz i clearly dont remember seeing or talking to you before yesterday!"
He looks around and sighs.
" listen to little liar!" He says angrily and i am taken aback. Did he just call me a liar?
" day before yesterday i saw you coming out of the stupid staff room. When i went inside for refusing the idea of joining the 'writing club' i found your note attached there and there was another note which had my name there.
And guess what? I did not write that freaking note. So who could it be huh? And so the stupid bell rings right then and a few teachers enter the lounge and i had to immediately leave. And now i am stuck up here with you and the god DAMN CLUB FOR THE REST OF My SENIOR YEAR!"

" Wait a second. You think I put the note there? You think i want you so desperately?" I ask furiously.
He looks up and smiles.
" guess what? I'll never know." He reply's.
I roll my eyes. And try calming myself down.
" look Austin. This is a very big misunderstanding, okay? Believe me. I have nothing to do with this..."
I try to explain. He shakes his head at me.
" how can I believe you?" He asks.
I try coming up with an answer but i don't. Because i hardly know him.
I rub my hands on my face, not caring about my make up at all.
" by spending time with me."
I say suddenly.
And cover my mouth immediately.
" Johanna, i cant do this!" I say to her as we sit in her house's balcony.
" but Alice remember. He called you a LIAR! And he barely knows you. All you need to do is stay with him for a week or two. Let him know you. Sprinkle you nature on him like shining stars. Just make him believe you. I freaking know that you have that much self respect!"

I nod understandingly.
But i am far away from talking to that boy. He is mean and nasty and very very creepy.
But i have to do this. Its a deal.
Yes. We had a deal.
Austin wants to know me so that he can trust me enough to believe that I dint do it.
While somewhere at the back of my head I am curious as to why cant he just leave. Say no to mrs. Sherloc and just leave?
Is it so hard?
Anyway, i need to find out who did the whole note thing.

" well you know what? Maybe you'll like him?" Johanna says suddenly. I glance at her as if she just used Yoda language.
" what did you .... Just say?" I ask her.
" well yes Alice. The way you describe him, he doesn't sound that bad. "

" Jo! He called me a liar, he tripped me and made fun of me in front of the the class! And you still thinks he sounds GOOD?" I say angrily.
She gets up and comes closer to me.
She places a hand on my shoulder and leans down to my ears.
" i don't know if it is true or not babe, but i heard somewhere that all true relationships start rough." And then she walks away.
" Soda?" She yells from behind

As I shut my math book after 3 full hours of studying making sure that i am fully prepared for the test tomorrow,that is friday, i really cant help thinking about Austin.
No matter how many times I rub my eyes and wash my face, I always go back to the little conversation we had.
Two major questions revolve around my head waiting desperately for an answer.
A) why can't he just leave the club?
B) who did the note?
I guess I am going to find out.

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