Oh no.

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Chap 3

" maybe he is having his mood swings.." Beckett says after I tell her my incident with Andrew.
" maybe..." I say. Even though a tiny-whiny part in my body yelled that whatever he said was true.
I kept my emotions aside for a moment as i stepped into the cafeteria. Unlike most days, today the cafeteria was not as full as it is usually. Partially because their is a soccer match going on in school so obviously all soccer players have either gone to play or cheer their buddy's up. While the other half of the population of girls have just gone to have a nice time watching sexy/ hot boys without T shirts. Gross.

For me and my friends, food was our main priority. Any day. Anytime.

" hey Ali" robby greets me.
" dont call me that" i say pointing a finger at him.
"HEY ALI" he yells, not to mention some people look at us with a disgusted expression.
I sit down, embarrassed.
" becky! Stop shaking your leg!" Johanna scolds Beckett.
" I cant help it. You guys are so boring. I really need to go see the match!"
" so go!" Robby and I say in unison.
She looks at us with a serious expression.
" are you sure?"
"Oh come on Becky, its not like you are sacrificing something so big. Its just food!" Johanna says.
" whatever's that supposed to mean!" Beckett replies and gets up. Rushing towards the exit.
I shake my head at her running away.
" did you know?" Robby says and continuos
" Beckett was asked out by Emmett, the scorer in our soccer team, and i think she said yes."
" this clearly explains why..."
Johanna concludes and i chuckle.
School had ended, and i was heading towards the 'writing club' class, praying to god, that today should not be as boring as it was yesterday.

The cold air inside the room, made me shiver as i stepped inside.
Mrs sherloc was not on her desk till now.
There were thankfully one or two people sitting away from each other, all either texting or reading novels.
As my eyes travelled to the third aisle i caught hold of a boy. But before that, let me tell you this that we matched.
And from that i mean, he was wearing black jeans, a white button down, and converse. Just what I was wearing.
I slowly walked over to his aisle and was about to cross him when things happened so fast, i fell down right by my face on the ground, flat with my books scattered all around the place.
I looked back immediately noticing how fast this boy was with his legs.
Yes. He tripped me. And he tripped me on purpose.
Amanda Collins, a girl i clearly remember from my american history class was right in front of me helping me get up.
As i made myself stable, from the corner of my eye i could see him smirk.
Really? Who did he think he was?
Anyway, people started shuffling in the class. And Amanda asked me to sit with her.
Mrs. Sherloc entered the class her heels tic- tocking throughout the wooden flooring. As the class proceeded, she introduced us to some new concepts of english play writing and novel writing which i never knew before and i guess i have to admit I became really interested in whatever she was saying. I copied down notes and nodded my head to her indicating that I'm really listening.
But, you must have noticed till now how distracted I am in my life? Because even though I wanted to focus so hard, which in fact i was, my eyes kept going back to the guy who tripped me.
He dint look at me throughout the class and when the time was up, I really never expected an apology from him. Why? Because he was a jerk. He thought i must have got embarrassed and would have pounced on him for doing it, but actually i don't loose my temper that often. Only if he knew!
As i picked up my books, and was headed to the door I felt an odd presence of someone behind me.
I turned around, and guess who it was? Yes. It was him.
" you should really stop acting so cool. Because it doesn't suit you." He says suddenly.
I stop for a moment. And look at him.
Holy fudge nuts! This guy was super cute.
Did i just say that?
" if thats your way of saying hi. Then hi back" i say with a scoff.
He laughed and shaked his head.
" you egoistic girls, and your problems" he comments.
Well this was it.
" excuse me? At least I have the guts to admit a mistake i have done. So unlike you!"
He stiffened a bit.
" and now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to be somewhere better a place, rather stuck up here with you and your comments"
Saying this i walked away.

Till the time I sat in my car, I was breathing heavily.
Did I just do that?

" Robby. Can you drop in my place in about 15?"
" If you really liked me so much Alice, you should have confessed earlier you know?"
" shut up, would you? I need your help"
" be right there" and then he hung up.
There was a swift knock on my door.
" come in"
Andrew stepped inside. His eyes going anywhere but me.
I got up immediately.
" Andrew?" I raised my eye brows.
" Alice, umm can we talk?"
" yah sure! Come here"
I told him patting a spot next to my bed.
He came slowly and sat there.
" so?" I ask after a little while.
" Alice i am sorry for behaving like a jerk today. Really I am. I never meant that. I dint mean any of that"
This is exactly why i love my brother. He knows how to apologise.
" its really okay champ!" I say punching him lightly on his shoulders.
" how do you do that?" He asks again.
" do what?"
" how can you forgive and forget so easily?"
I though about it for a moment
" maybe because, i keep reminding myself that there are greater and better things in life rather than grudges and getting offended" i say with a shrug.
He nods his head and then looks at me, straight in the eye.
" I think I like a girl" he says suddenly.
I stop.
He stops.
There has to be some tension in the air.
After a moment i decide to speak.
" name?"
" Nia"
" is she spanish?"
He nods.
" and... There is a big. Big problem, Alice" he continuos as i listen to him in utter shock.
" She is with this boy named- Ron, he is the most annoying creature on the planet. He is a bully"
I stiffen at the word bully.
Andrew notices my sudden reaction and changes the topic.
" I don't know how to say this Alice, but i never got the guts to talk to her.
This is why i joined pre calculus, because she is in it. This is why I took Badminton as my sport, because she is in it, and i am pretty sure, she doesn't even know who i am."
" wow! You really like her, don't you?"
He nods and looks down.
" Listen Andrew, till the time you do not go and tell her this, you are going to be sad, and you wouldn't be able to concentrate anywhere. Andrew if you like somebody it doesn't matter. All you have to do is, get yourself up and face the person. And to talk about the Ron guy, i am pretty sure you are stronger than him. Remember this Drew, bullies become bullies because they have nothing better to do in life"
All this time, Andrew heard my speech and nodded his head.
He got up from the bed and walked over to the door.
" thanks Alice" he said with a smile.
And this time I knew it was genuine.

" what?!?!" Robby shouts and breaks into fits of laughter.
" he... Tripped ..you?!?!" He laughs so hard, i am ready to get phone calls from our neighbours.
" yes, Robby. He tripped me. Now can we move on?"
After punching him in the stomach and hitting him with the pillows, he finally stopped.
"So?" He asked.
" now what?" I answered
" its revenge time" he declares.

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