Chapter 2

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okay so here is the second chapter and if you want to come in and be lukes new best Girl matejust comment or pm me well on with the story :)

Lukes Pov

Me and calum are in the car heading to his house. We got pizza, candy, and calum got cupcakes. He really love cupcakes its so adorable. Well we pulled up into a driveway to this nice big beautiful house. I got out the car and walked with calum to the front door. We went in and i followed him to where im guessing is his room (tehehe). He took the stuff out my hands and i sat at the edge of his bed. I saw calum take off his shirt and dear lord i juyst want to OMG!!!! Whoa luke calm your tits ok he wont like you he might only like bad boys and girls so just calm your tits okay.

"Okay so what movie do you want to watch?" He asked me as he searched through netflix.

"22 Jump street I mean I dont really care what we watch." I said as i smiled.

"Okay well 22 Jump street then." he turned on the movie and layed in bed. "Come cuddle with me luke please." He said as he gave me puppy dog eyes it was so cute. I nodded my head okay and started cuddling with him and we also ate pixxa and candy at the same time haha.

~skip 2-3 more movies~

Calum's POV

Luke fell asleep in my arms he's so cute I just dont lnow how to tell him I like him. I have seen him around school. He has no friends which is sad because he is so cute and sweet. But the most sad thing about it is that he gets bullied because of how he dresses and everytime i see someone messing with him or talking bad about him i just want to go up to them and punch them in the face. I turned off the TV and got up and put our trash away. I came back and got into be with lukeand pulled him close to me and honestly i didnt want to ever let him. I fell asleep a few minutes later.

~The next morning~

I woke up and felt something on my chest and remembered luke came over yesterday. I look at the clock and seen that we were late for school. I woke luke up gentle. He got up and looked at me and smiled. awe his smile is so adorable.

"Do you want to go to school today or no?" I asked him.

"No I dont feel like going besides its the last day of the week."

"Okay so are you hungry?"

"Yes what kind of question is that?!?" He said.

I went and made us some breakfast. we ate and then we went and got dress for the pool. I gave him a pair of my own swim trunks and went outside to my backyard and had a awesome fun time.

~skips long fun awesome ass day~

I dropped off Luke at his place maybe I should tell him I mean I dont know. I got to my place and saw my mom was home. I ran into my home and straight up to my room because i din't feel like hearing her bitch. I got ready for bed and went to sleep.


Remember if you want to come in as lukes new best girl/boy mate just comment or pm me :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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