chapter 1

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okay well this is my first fanfic hope you love✌


I was sitting at by my locker at school reading fanfics on wattpad waiting for lunch to finish. I just really want this day to end. I have such a major headache and I just hate school.

-30 mins pass-

The Bell rings and I get up and get my stuff out of my locker and head to my next class which is math eww save me. I walked in and sat in the back like usual. As everyone else came in and sat down the Bell rung. Calam hood aka the bad boy aka the hottest guy in school came in late and the only seat left was by me so he sat there and dammit never have I ever felt so nervous in my life like his lips looked so soft and kissable. Whoa what the fuck Luke y'all don't even talk.

"Take a picture it last longer." Calum said which made me look away blushing.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Don't be umm Luke right?"

"Yeah right"

"Well Luke nice to meet you mate"

"You to calum"

He nodded his head and sat back in his chair and started to play on his phone.

-skip other boring classes-

The Bell rung and I got up and went to put my stuff in my locker. When I shut my locker I turned around and there stood calum.

"Hey umm look do you like want to hang out?" He asked.

"Yeah I would love to."

"Great wanna go get pizza and we can go hang out at my place?"

"Haha yeah that sounds nice"

"Yayyy and by the way nice flower crown it brings out your eyes." He said and I looked away blushing.

"Oh umm thanks so do you wanna go now?"

"Yeah come on I'll drive." He said and we walked to his car. This should be interesting.

Omg yayyy my first chapter haha well michael and ashton will come in the story soon and I'll be doing a daily update but hope you love.

Sorry bout the short chapter😄😃

Flower Crowns And Cupcakes (Cake Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon