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"Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it."

I could sense him calling to me. It was undeniable. There was no such thing as a guess. If you feel something- then there is something.

I look around the room, the control panels were destroyed, burned marks all over it. I look at my lightsaber which was lying on the floor. I use the force to grab it. I rose from my chair

I hurt her. And I know that he isn't gonna be very satisfied of what I just did.

I used the force to slide the door open, and the metal clanking of my shoes started to echo through the halls. I passed by a few Stormtroopers and they saluted without any hesitation. They were afraid. I know it.

The two large doors in front of me open and I took no time walking on the dark path, leading me into oblivion.

I stopped at my tracks and I had to wait for a second before a very dark aura starts to interrupt mine.

"You disobeyed me, Knights of the Ren." A voice spoke, sending shivers all over my spine. I did not show however how I was afraid of him. "Yes, use anger, but use it in my terms."

"I ask forgiveness, Supreme Leader." I spoke loudly, but in a tone that did not make him think that I was ruling over him.

"Follow my orders Kylo Ren." He gives me a deadly glare. "I train next leaders of the galaxy, not rebels."

"Your task is to lure her to the dark side, not to frighten her away."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." I bow my head a little. "I apologize again for my works."

Without any word, his hologram disappeared into thin air, leaving me all alone in the dark.

I was used to it.

> > > >


I tried opening the door, but it was no use. I let out a frustrated sigh as I did my one last attempt to breaking the door. But of course, I was not that strong to take the door down. Especially that it's made of metal.

No one could do it, really.

Not even that jerk face- Kylo Ren.


The Force.

I take deep breaths and close my eyes. I begin to block out all of the negative feelings that were building inside of me. But the image of that devil- Kylo Ren, keeps on haunting me.
I push back all of the memories that happened earlier to the back of my mind.

I feel all of the weight in my shoulders and the terrible feelings, disappear as I thought of my mom kissing my forehead on a cold evening. The fire giving us warmth. Her voice singing me a lullaby to sleep.

I open my eyes and focus my thoughts at the door. I raise my hand towards it, and it surprisingly opened.

I feel a smile tugging my lips, as my heart begins to race. "I did it." I can't find the words to describe to what I just did.

It felt like my legs were paralyzed. It made me paranoid for a second. What if Kylo was watching? What if he's testing me? What if he's already preying on me in a corner. Waiting for me, so he could kill me.

But he wasn't there.

I snap out of my trance and ran out of the room without looking back. I've never ran this fast before. I didn't care which path I was going. I didn't care if Kylo saw me using the Force to open the door.

I was free.

But of course- I spoke too soon.

As I turned right of the hallway, I bumped into someone that made me slam to the floor. I scream in pain as I hear a sickening break from my arm. My head slamming into the cold and hard surface. My hearing seems to fade away, and black spots starts to consume my vision.

Before I loose conscious, a name that I despised the most came out of my mouth. A name that I never thought to speak of. The last name I would ever say in my entire existence.

I hated myself for it.

"Kylo. . ."

> > > >

I woke up in a bright room. A room which I never thought that would exist in this dark damn ship.

I wasn't in restrains. I tried to move but my arm ached which made me fall back into the bed. "Ow," I wince, as a sharp pain courses though my head.

"I advice you to stay put, miss." A voice interrupts the serene and quiet room.

"Where am I?" I ask, as the pain starts to fade away. He was wearing the slick, white uniform. An outfit that I've never seen in my whole entire life.

"You're in the infirmary." He spoke as he stepped forward to check upon the machine that was beeping beside me. I could tell that he was bored out of his life. It seemed like he was annoyed by my presence. I mean, who could not?

"He carried you here."

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, as my heart raced again.

"It was actually quite surprising, he could've ordered Stormtroopers to do it." He chuckled, "But he insisted, and did it on his own."

"Who did?" Curiously took all over me, as I shift uncomfortably on the bed.

"Lord Ren did." He simply said as he headed out for the door.


So this chapter was kinda boring. It was more of a filler. AND HANG ON, 100 READS ALREADY? OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Next chapter is coming soon.

See you later 💗


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