Chapter 3

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Camila's POV

"What was that?" Lauren whispers. It's two hours later and I'm sitting between her legs, our bare bodies pressed to one another's, tackling what seems to be an unobtainable task; catching my breath.

Her arms are wrapped around my waist, her chin on my shoulder and her warm breath brushing against my neck. As expected, the duvet has been thrown to the floor and we're tangled in the white sheets that I changed before she arrived. The room smells like passion and Vanilla and it's exhilarating.

"What was what?" I ask in a sex-fueled daze. Her hands untangle from around me long enough to point toward the door.

"That sound," she says. I hold my breath, straining to listen but all I hear is the low groan from the sound bar on my dresser. At some point in the first hour of her being here, between sex on the bed like civilized people and sex in my desk chair, I plugged in my iPod. Use Me by Miguel is playing. "I don't hear anything other than the music," I say back in a normal volume; unsure of why Lauren is whispering, when for the past two hours, she's been nothing but vocal.

She's quiet for another second, before saying, "There!" Just as the word rolls off of her tongue, I hear a clanking sound coming from the living room. The apartment's old; maybe it's just the pipes. "It's nothing," I reassure her, my legs still shaking far too much to get up and check. She hesitantly complies, distracting herself by running her fingertips down the length of my neck. Coming in contact with only one, I realize that there are an infinite amount of tingling, red marks in the shape of Lauren's mouth across my skin. My body shudders beneath her touch and she softly laughs at my reaction. "Sorry about all of these," she hums seductively in my ear but I shrug it off. I don't mind the marks if it means I get to experience what elicits them. "It just happened," she admits.

A incandescent grin carves up my face. I'm blissfully happy in this moment, bite marks, hickeys and all. "Well, how about," I turn around in Lauren's arms until both of my legs are draped over one of hers, her chest pressed into my ribs. "You make some more." I drag my lips until they're hovering over hers, and I lower my voice, "I think there's some skin that you missed."

It's almost a growl that falls from her taunting mouth just before she relinquishes restraint and kisses me, hungrily. No indecision whatsoever in immediately taking my bottom lip between hers, nipping on it enough to alight my body. A moan escapes from my throat, being muffled and trapped between our mouths that don't separate until she's sliding her back down the headboard, into the bed and pulling my body on top of hers.

In no time, we're in the throws of passion, tangled up with one another, comfortably, effortlessly like we have been the entire night. My hands are nomadic across her skin, and where they touch my tongue follows behind. I've gradually lowered myself until my mouths attending to the dip in Lauren's stomach, when I hear the clanging noise, again. This time it's loud enough to drown out the music. I stop, lifting my head up, looking at a wide-eyed Lauren. "See!" she whisper-yells, pointing toward the door again. Then all of a sudden, there's a loud knocking, then the shrill sound of Ally's voice, "Mila!" she pauses for a response. "Are you awake?"

I put my finger over my mouth, signaling to Lauren to keep quiet. She nods her head as I drag myself up her body, occupying the space beside her on the bed.

"Who's that?" she asks almost inaudibly.

"My roommate," I mouth back.

"Mila?" Ally sounds again and I know before long, she'll be barging into my room, uninvited. I've got to go out and appease her but I'm not sure of what to do with Lauren in the mean time. "Wait here," I say, hoping to talk to Ally for only a minute then get back to Lauren and continue where we had inconveniently left off.

I slip out of bed, tiptoeing around the room, in the dark attempting to locate any piece of clothing that I can. I remember the outfit that I had laid on my desk to change into after my shower before Lauren came over. Having never gotten around to it, I presume the clothes are still there. I hunt for them and locate, what I think is a pair of shorts and a top. I slip them both on, pulling my hair down around my face to cover the mess Lauren's made of my neck.

I ease out of the door, and down the hallway and when I walk into the living room, I find Ally, lying on the sofa in the dark. She's wiping furiously at her face and as I stealthily creep over to her, I hear several whimpers take flight into the eery silence of the apartment.

"Ally?" I whisper hesitantly, stepping fully into the living room before speaking so that I don't startle her. She rolls her head over against the pillow, looking up at me. When I'm closer, I can clearly see that her eyes are bloodshot and the tip of her nose is red. She's upset and she's been crying for a while now. I can tell. "What's wrong?" I ask, kneeling beside her. I wipe a few strands of hair that are plastered to her forehead away.

"We broke up," three words and the walls that have held back a explosion of tears, crumble. Full-on sobs are wracking her small frame before she even has time to explain anything further so I react on instinct. I lean forward, wrapping my arms around her and bring her closer. Knowing she's in no state to talk about it at this point, I simply hold her until she's ready. Eventually, I ease onto the sofa, and she puts her head in my lap and I repetitively play with her hair, watching the minutes go by on the clock on the stove in the kitchen.

Half-an-hour passes, Ally's still crying. I've wanted to go check in on Lauren but before I have a chance to sneak out from beneath my roommate, I see the brunette peer out from the hallway. The sobs are still loud, so Ally can't hear as Lauren walks towards us. She's wearing her jeans and I notice that she has on one of my t-shirts. I stop playing with Ally's hair long enough to point at it, questioningly. And she smiles, pointing at my shirt as well. I look down, realizing that in the dark, I picked up Lauren's tank-top and threw it on instead of mine. I can hear her faint giggle as she walks over to the door. I watch her and she mouths, I'll call you later. I nod, apologizing before she brushes it off with one swift movement of the hand and before long she's sneaking out of the apartment. The door makes a clicking sound behind her but Ally doesn't notice. She lets out another sob just as it sounds, drowning it out, and they don't stop for what feels like hours.

Finally, she's quietened down enough, enabling her to find the strength to talk. Through a gravelly voice, she explains that her and Troy had a fight over her deciding to stay in the city once college was over. He wants to move back to Texas, which is where the both of them are from, but Ally has other plans. Right now, she seems defeated like this is it; the final straw but I've heard it all before. They'll be back together. I give them no longer than a week or two. Still, I let her vent until I notice that it's already midnight, so I suggest she go to bed and sleep it off.

I walk her to her room, cover her up, shut off the lights and tell her if she needs me, I'm just down the hall. When I get back to my own room, the first thing that I do is grab my phone from the nightstand. I find one new text message from Lauren. I slide my thumb across the screen.

L: Hope your roommate's ok. Text me whenever you get a chance. I'm sure I'll be up.

I look at the alarm clock by my bed. It's 12:08 a.m. Her message was sent nearly an hour ago. She's probably asleep, I think. Feeling tired myself after an exhausting night.

I really shouldn't bother her but then I decide to only send her one, to give her an update on Ally and to tell her that I'll talk to her tomorrow.

I quickly type out a response:

C: not good. she broke up with her boyfriend. sorry our night got cut short :( Call me tomorrow!

I keep it simple. I lock my phone, tossing it back on the nightstand, before reaching up and turning off the lamp.

Crawling into bed, I notice that the sheets are still messily thrown about. I tug on them, only finding enough slack to cover part of my legs and my shoulders but I decide that it's enough for now. I know it won't be long until I succumb to sleep, so I go ahead and close my eyes, enjoying the last few minutes of insomnia by realizing that I can still smell Lauren across every inch of my bed.

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