Hidden Talent Part 3 - Ancient Ninja Electric Guitar

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"Man, and I thought it couldn't get any uglier," Sasha says.

"I thought you like dogs," Dustin says.

"I do, but that thing isn't a dog - it an evil mutated freak," Sasha says.

"We'd better get out there," Shane says.

"Yeah, it might think one of those building is a chew toy," Cam says.

Everyone turns around and gets ready to morph.

"Ready," Shane asks.

"Ready," The group answers.

"Ninja Storm Ranger Form,"

"Thunder Storm Ranger Form,"

=Silver Lightning=

"Lets whip these wolves," Shane says.

"Yeah, let's bust out the Thunderstorm Megazord," Hunter says.

"Good call Bro," Blake says.

They take out the power discs and call for the minizord. After they form the meagzord, they blast it with the Lion Laser.

"Yeah, take that wolves," Shane cheers.

After the smoke clears, they see that their attack didn't leave a scratch. The wlovebalde snarls before it leaps into the air and lands on top of them. It starts slashing it with its claws. Sasha and Cam watch in horror as sparks fly from either side of the megazord.

"You two need to get out there and help them," Sophia says.

Sasha nods to Cam. He gets up and lets Sophia sit down in the chair.

"Soph, you shouldn't be out of bed," Sasha says.

"Technically, Sasha, I've been sleeping on a cot, and if I get any more sleep now, I probably won't be able to fall asleep tonight," Sophia says.

"You two can argue later. Sophia, I need you to press the exact buttons I tell you to, we need to active the teleportation system to get them out of there," Cam says.

Sophia follows Cam instructions, and they see the team disappear from the megazord. They turn around and see the team appear in front of them. The team demorphs and walks over to them.

"Sensi, I think we may need to open that box, now," Sophia says.

"She is right dad; I believe this situation qualifies as an emergency," Cam adds.

Cam walks over to the bookcase. He presses a button on the remote he keeps in his pocket. The team hears a hidden door to their left open. Cam walks over to the secret storage room and picks up the box him and Sasha got from the museum. He goes over to the table and sets it down. Everyone walks over to him.

"Do we want to take bets on what's inside," Shane asks.

"Ten bucks says inside it is an ancient scrool," Sophia says.

"No way, an old sword," Shane says.

"I think there is a fighting staff," Dustin says.

Cam sets the lid down and takes a smaller box out if the crate. He opens it, and everyone groans when the see the scrool.

"Okay, someone owes me ten bucks," Sophia says.

"How about when you are better, we get a smoothie from that new smoothie place," Hunter offers.

"Sounds good," Sophia says.

Cam take the scroll out of the case and starts reading it. A few seconds later, he puts it back inside the box.

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