Hunter's Good Dead

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The next morning everyone meets at ninja ops for morning training. Today's exercise is a ten mile jog through the woods outside the base. Everyone is jogging through the woods. Sasha couldn't stop thinking about who she has feelings for Cam or Dustin. She is so distracted by her thoughts. She didn't see the huge tree root a few feet in front of her.

The others flip over it. They stick their landing. They turn around to wait for Sasha. They watch her face plant into the path as she trips over root. Sophia tries not to laugh. Cam walks over to her. Sasha lifts her head up and sees him standing in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Cam asks.

"Yes," Sasha says. She pushes herself up off the path. "I'm fine,"

Cam looks down at her left ankle. He sees it starting to swell. Sasha walks back to the others. She takes a few steps before she starts to lose her balance. Cam catches her by placing one of her arms around his shoulder. He helps her over to one of the trees closest to them, and sits her down. The others run over to her.

"Nice face plant sis," Sophia says.

"Thanks for your concern Soph. My ankle is fine too, thanks for asking." Sasha says.

"Sorry sis and I know this isn't relevant to what's going on. Sasha, why did you come here anyway because I thought you were going to college in Pasadena." Sophia says.

"Wow, Soph, that came out of left field, but the truth is I dropped out of college." Sasha says.

"Why did you do drop out?" Sophia asks.

"I realized that college wasn't for me. I want to go to cooking school, because I really love it and I'm really good at it too. I was too afraid to go back home to face mom and dad, so I decided to come here." Sasha says.

"Sis, mom and dad will be shocked, but at least you have a plan." Sophia says.

"You know something sis, you're really smart." Sasha says.

"I know," Sophia says.

A few hours later everyone is at Storm Charges. Sophia hands her cell phone to her sister. Sasha nervously dials her parent's number. She brings it up to her ear. It rings three times before she hears her mom's voice.

"Hi Sasha, how've you been?" Mrs. Robin says.

"Okay I guess. Mom I have something to tell you but I don't know how you're going to take it. I dropped out of college because I want to go to cooking school. You're not mad are you?" Sasha says.

"No, sweetie, I'm not. You're father and I figured that you would drop out of college to go to cooking school. I did the same thing when I was your age." Mrs. Robin says.

"Thanks for understanding mom," Sasha says.

"You're welcome, sweetie, can I talk to sister now?" Mrs. Robin asks.

"Sure," Sasha says.

The gold ranger hands the phone back to her little sister. Sophia puts the phone on her ear. She talks to her mom for a few minutes before the battery dies. She takes the charger out of her purse, connects it to the phone and plugs it in the socket on the wall. She walks over to Hunter.

"Sophia, I was reading Action Sports Magazine yesterday." Sasha says.

"Since when do you read that magazine," Sophia says.

"Because it's the only reading material you keep in your apartment." Sasha says.

"Sasha, you've heard of something called the library, right?" Sophia says.

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