Book One: Chapter 1- The Stranger

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'Loving the Man of Steel'
Copyright 2016 ©️ theRose_Conspiracy

All rights reserved.

Warning- The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted material is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, even infringement without monetary gain, is punishable by up to 5 years in prison or $500,000 fine.

Disclaimer- I in no way own DC Comics, the characters, images or plots from the MoS or BvS. Rose Elizabeth Montgomery and this unique storyline are explicitly mine.

Man of Steel-

"Oh Rosie! You should have seen it," my brother exclaimed.

He was soaking wet and covered from head to toe in god knows what, but the look in his eye was one of wonder and amazement.

"He did things that I- I've never seen before," he breathed.

"Well, they say people do crazy things when adrenaline-"

"Rosie." I cringed inwardly at that name as Liam cut me off with the no nonsense tone he often used on me. He shot me a frown before going on.

"I saw the man fly."

"Oh," was all I could say as my brows furrowed in confusion. Was my big brother going crazy? Or perhaps he hit his head too hard?

"At one point, he was entirely engulfed in flames and we all thought, 'this is it. We're really going to die out here'. But he got all of us out of there, Rosie," my brother said bringing me out of my thoughts.

I could see tears welling up in his eyes and I knew then that he had been through alot. Liam never cried.

"He got all of us to safety," his voice cracked as he tried to stifle his sobs.

"It's okay," I said giving his shoulder a tight squeeze as he attempted to hide a few tears from me. "I get it. You had a brush with death."

"I know you think I'm crazy," he muttered shaking his head. "But that man is a hero," he replied. "A real hero."

"Maybe Batman could take a few pointers from him," I joked, but Liam was not in the mood for a laugh.

"I'm being serious, Rose," he scolded as he gave me a scornful look. "That man is a saint."

"Okay, okay," I said throwing my hands up in defeat. "I believe you," I told him- though I wasn't sure I actually did. "If I ever meet the guy, I'll be sure to thank him for you."

Bending down, I kissed my brother on the head as he laid in a hospital bed in the emergency room. As his eyes closed in exhaustion, I took a step back and silently thanked my lucky stars he was alive.

I quietly exited his room when I heard the faintest snore escape his lips and slowly headed down the corridor towards the coffee station. As I walked, I could hear the other men in their rooms recounting the exact same story to their families that my brother had just told me. I sighed in relief- maybe he wasn't crazy afterall.

I continued down the hall, stopping only twice to hug a couple of the oil workers' wives. We were all just glad everyone made it out alive. I was especially thankful, now that Liam was all I had left. Maybe I needed to send a second prayer to my lucky stars.

I grabbed an empty styrofoam cup off the table and walked over to the coffee carafe. Glancing around, I swore I could feel a pair of eyes on me when I finally saw a man with the most gorgeous blue eyes staring right at me. I wasn't complaining, the man was handsome, but it was still kind of awkward.

Turning my back, I tried to ignore the feeling of him boring holes into me as I bent down and attempted to fill my cup. I cursed under my breath as it became obvious the carafe was almost empty. I tried tipping the pot forward while lifting the knob and holding my cup, but I just didn't have enough hands.

"Here, let me."

The deep voice was like honey to my ears as the handsome stranger tipped the pot forward for me.

"Thanks," I grumbled trying to focus on my cup as the brown liquid sloshed out. My eyes betrayed me though and I couldn't get enough of the gorgeous specimen before me.

Dark hair covered his massive chest trailing down to his impressive six pack. A lone blanket draped across his incredibly broad shoulders and I couldn't help but wonder if he was shirtless just to tease me. Smiling down at me, I realized just how big this man was, as he stood towering over me.

I assumed he must have been one of the crew members when I noticed his pants were ripped and he was covered in the same grime as my brother. Looking up at his bearded face, I had to fight the urge to run my fingers through his unruly brown curls. I shook my head to get my thoughts straight and glanced down at the floor. This stranger had no shoes on his feet.

"Have you been seen by the doctor?" I asked, suddenly becoming concerned for his health. "Are you sure you should be standing?"

"I'm fine," he simply replied as he continued to smile at me.

"Ok," I nodded my head.

We stood there for a few more minutes before I began shuffling back and forth on my feet. I hated awkward silence.

"Well, I really should get back to my brother," I said, bringing my arms up to settle across my chest. "Hopefully he doesn't try to tell me the nurses can fly," I teased wondering if he had seen the supposed superman as well.

For a brief moment, I saw a look of confusion cross his face before realization struck.

"So he saw it too?" the stranger asked.

"Yeah," I nodded my head. "He says the guy's a hero," I said.

"I'm sure he was just doing what anyone would do in that situation," the stranger replied.

I was slightly taken back.

"Really?" I snapped, disgusted by the lack of gratitude this stranger seemed to show. "He came out in the middle of a hurricane to save a dozen guys on an oil rig. If it wasn't for him, when that thing exploded, all those guys would be dead," I said gesturing back down the hall behind me. "And I'm guessing that would include you, too."

"Now, I don't know about you, but if I ever get the chance, I'd like to say thank you," I informed him before turning on my heel to go.

"I'm sorry," he called after me, "I didn't mean to upset you."

I paused and turned slightly to look back, but when I spun fully around, I realized he was gone.

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